Wildcard's pics

Page 4:

Mixed feelings about this page, particularly when it comes to the dialogue. Oh and apologies for the last panel, I know it's a bit off.
Thanks guys :), just needed to set the flashback apart somehow so the background seemed suitably abstract to represent memory. They ended up being the better drawings anyhow, the top ones sort of let it down - I went way too far with Hate's expression of discomfort in the top right..
Just saw youve started a new comic, brilliant, just added to my faves on DD, have to say its a really great start, your dialogue work is particularly strong, and even though you did it to speed up production, Ive always preffered the Black and White comics, cant wait to see where this one goes.
Outlawstar said:
Just saw youve started a new comic, brilliant, just added to my faves on DD, have to say its a really great start, your dialogue work is particularly strong, and even though you did it to speed up production, Ive always preffered the Black and White comics, cant wait to see where this one goes.

Cheers Outlawstar, I worry a lot whether dialogue sounds/reads right and it's nice to hear the black and white style works. Will post again soon.
Page 6:

As usual I'm crushed under work, so apologies for the extreme delays. Quality is a bit substandard I'm afraid, so I'll endevour to make my next page as awesome as I can..
How dare they pretend she'd not there. lol

Looking good again Wildcard. Especially like the bottom centre frame this time. Good depth and perspective. I think I know where the story is going now... ^___^

Is he by any chance the love interest that will change her life? *He swings!*
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Thanks Voddas. Think it's less a case of them pretending shes not there, than her trying to avoid notice :p That middle panel was my pick too.

As for your theory, I'm far too bitter to let things run that smoothly..

*he misses*
Page 7:
Things are getting slightly more interesting/awkward for Hate. Better than my last page, but I think Luke's design needs some work.
I like the top right frame this time (don't know why I keep picking these lol). I like how you've made her react. Looks good and awkward which is what you were aiming for. You can tell she's like "Don't do it!" in her expression. ^^

Anywhy, another cool page Wild. I'm not gonna try and guess story line this time... maybe after a few more pages. ;-)
Page 8:
First page in a month - not good =(

I was doing work on the other side of my city for the last two weeks so I've had very little time due to the long hours and travelling. Anyhow, I'm freed up again so I'll try to bring it back to a page a week.