Who's your least favourite anime character?

I'm ploughing through SEED at a pace. Gotta say, I'm digging it, but some of the characters really are pretty aggravating.

I look forward to seeing that trend pushed even further by SEED Destiny! :lol:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
megagold5 said:
ayase said:
^ Having not seen Seed, I thought you were actually quoting Kira at first there.

Aheh, no. But 2 words in the qoute are used by Kira FAR too many times.

Can you guess which ones?

Actually I don't think Kira ever talks about "freedom" you might be thinking of Superman (or to a lesser extent Batman ;P)

Even if he doesn't, you get the gist. :p
HdE said:
I look forward to seeing that trend pushed even further by SEED Destiny! :lol:
Oh there's a Destiny character who is an envelope pusher on crazy. How the **** am I supposed to sympathise with someone who dances off a cliff?
kupocake said:
HdE said:
I look forward to seeing that trend pushed even further by SEED Destiny! :lol:
Oh there's a Destiny character who is an envelope pusher on crazy. How the **** am I supposed to sympathise with someone who dances off a cliff?

cause you get to see her naked?
I guess it shows what a Gundam nut I am that I preordered both volumes of SEED Destiny.

Haven't seen it before, but I've been warned by folks I chat with online. My comics-writing buddy in particular made me laugh when he described it as 'a wretched dog of a filler-crammed, toy advert, character-mismanaged Gary Stu-fest'

He later added, in a seperate conversation 'But yeah, I kinda love it, too.' :lol:
it's not the worst show in the world

but take it with a pinch of salt

it trys to be a show about Shinn, till it realises no one cares, then changes back to kira
Yzak x Dearka Om nom nom?

On the plus side, the series features two of the only episodes in the entire franchise where splitting a mecha into three separate parts actually has some kind of practical application beyond the cost cutting potential of 30 second transformation sequences. It only took, what... three titular Gundams and 25 years?
Keichi Morasato (Ah My Goddess)- While most harem leads make me want to reach into the screen and castrate the lead male ( cause if they aren't going to use them they don't deserve them), he is the worst offender. He has a goddess, literally, who has openly stated that she like him, as well as several mere morals and possible another goddess or two and possibly a deamon, and the guy hasn't progresses much past holding hands.
hopeful_monster said:
Keichi Morasato (Ah My Goddess)- While most harem leads make me want to reach into the screen and castrate the lead male ( cause if they aren't going to use them they don't deserve them), he is the worst offender. He has a goddess, literally, who has openly stated that she like him, as well as several mere morals and possible another goddess or two and possibly a deamon, and the guy hasn't progresses much past holding hands.
arguably that's because Skuld keeps cock blocking him
sorry to bumb this thread, but i have a new character that i utterly despise, and his name is Hiro Sohma

not only is he a total prick, but he sounds like a total tool whenever he speaks
Every character in Elfen Lied because there is absolutely no redeeming quality to any of the characters (with the exception of the asshole military guy since he at least had the right idea of wanting to shoot everyone in the series) and they are just plain badly written. They are also unlikable and it's not possible to feel sympathetic towards any of them unless you have the emotional complexity of a plank of wood.
memorium said:
personally, i think the anime could've went on for much longer, and done in far greater detail

have you ever tried the manga at all?
I haven't and I must admit it does sound more appealing but I have other manga I'd rather read first. Maybe when I'm really bored. :lol:
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
