What you guys doing right now.

I'm currently chatting to Dan, Kerry and Michelle and listening to Orson while trying to text Phil, very very difficult but I'm doing well! XD
chilling, all exams done so all i have to do for the next month is drink, play footy and chill while waiting for them to give me my degree, ah bliss!

Also scanning the tinternet looking for a new phone, why couldn't my old phone swim?!
The smell of stagnant smoke eminates from the upper quarters of mein abode and neglected items of worn clothing soil my underfoot.

After a week of freedom, it's time to tidy up.
just finished downloading windows live messenger beta..and watching the end of a random film on tv..apart from that not much
Just about to watch another episode of Naruto while talking to some people on the computer nearly falling asleep :D and listening to some music
No it hasn't come to the UK yet still waiting for it to come here

Hopefully won't be to much longer to get here
Listening to happy music! So unlike me.
I'm just looking forward to the weekend I suppose. Currently burning some episodes of Bleach onto a disk for my boyfriend. I like it that Ive infulenced him to watch anime. Now he can stop thinking I love anime more then him lol!
At the mo im sitting in the office, wich is where my comp is located for the moment T_T listning to a random bunch of J-pop songs wile watching the rain tumble down =x

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