What you guys doing right now.

Relaxing as much as i can tonight...before i have my matsh exam tomorrow..should be fine but can't be too sure as yet. Also the TV is on atm as well so just watching whatever is on now which seems to be cold case
Getting really angry at my little brother for somehow deleteing my account on the comp, I've lost all the stuff in My Pictures, My Favourites (gotta go add them all again from the ones I can remember) and other stuff :evil:
At home after an alright maths exam i did several hours ago now..relaxing. trying to find some new stuff to save to computer
i must be bored cause i'm seaching through all my old posts and looking at posts of random people on the forums

but jesus i didn't realise i was the 2nd oldest active poster on the forums (time here not age)
I'm sitting here working on neptune2venus's birthday pic (she's 21 tomorrow so everyone remember ;)) and speaking of time here tomorrow is also my 1st year anniversary of joining AUKN :lol:
My laptop is fired so im now getting used to a desktop comp, mainly DLing programs ect. and finding all my lost files =x while chatting on msn and scanning the forums ^_^
Laughing at phil cos he fell off the sofa but feeling rather miserable as I just read a few harsh and uncalled for comments my so-called 'friend' has written on their blog about me...heh >.<
Woke up a few mins ago, just scanning the forum and the net. Have to go take Merlin for a walk in a min, trying to put it off as long as poss as its pouring with rain > <
been up since about 4 this morning..been online a bit and been on a couple games..apart from that just had a quick lunch and ready to go to work in about 25 minutes. oh goody
Waiting for my dinner to get ready and wondering why iTunes is randomly taking so long to open.

Ah! There it is. ^_^

Time for some listenage of the new Less Than Jake CD.
Just got home, now preparing to get stuff ready for some revision. i have 2 exams left..Computing and Geography..big exams..2 and a half hours for computing, 2 papers lasting in all 2 hours 45 mins for geography..and to make things that oo so much worse..they are on the same day. the 29th, so now i need to get every sin;ge minute of revision i can. oh goody. i'm in for an action packed week :?

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