What you guys doing right now.

Been sleeping this afternoon as I was out drinking last night and then went for a big meal with my parents today so I am very sleepy.
At the mo i'm backing up my anime before i add another hard drive into the pc. Currently at 32 DVD's. Got around 110 gigs to store :(
Checking forums, read some manga, watch anime, wait 'til RAW's on, sleep... Wake up only hours later to go shopping...
(Mwahhhhh!!! TT_TT I just wanna sleep, really!!! :p )
Nyu said:
backing up my anime movies, i might reach 50 dvds :(

I used to do that, in the end it worked out cheaper for me to buy a 300gb hard drive and just store them all on there and then burn them to dvd's when the originals got too damaged to watch
McIcy said:
Nyu said:
backing up my anime movies, i might reach 50 dvds :(

I used to do that, in the end it worked out cheaper for me to buy a 300gb hard drive and just store them all on there and then burn them to dvd's when the originals got too damaged to watch

Yeah i bought a 160gig sata drive from my boss for £15 so i'm going to chuck that in, i just back everything up and throw it in a drawer incase it decides to go pop. Not sure whether to format or not, i have some programs on here that were a right bitch to install.
Nyu said:
McIcy said:
Nyu said:
backing up my anime movies, i might reach 50 dvds :(

I used to do that, in the end it worked out cheaper for me to buy a 300gb hard drive and just store them all on there and then burn them to dvd's when the originals got too damaged to watch

Yeah i bought a 160gig sata drive from my boss for £15 so i'm going to chuck that in, i just back everything up and throw it in a drawer incase it decides to go pop. Not sure whether to format or not, i have some programs on here that were a right bitch to install.

I do a clean wipeof my pc once every 6 months to speed it back up and get rid of the crap that builds up. But yeah reinstalling can be a pain

I just went out and bought....... curtains as I am sick of the sun spoiling my lie-ins or sleep when I am on nights and need some day nap time