What you guys doing right now.

Just ate a muffin my younger brother made. Not too bad.

Also just waiting for a delivery to arrive, was gonna go to Costco today and get stocked up on bare essentials before I go back to Uni, but I guess that'll have to wait until tomorrow or Thursday now.
Looking over the forum and doing a few other online things..

Wondering how many posts certain members would lose most of the forum games were deleted...
Right now I am watching a car on ebay, I have my feet up on my desk with Vandread playing on Monitor number 2 and a can of coke in my hand, ah life is good
Trying to block out the sound of my dad ranting, telling me to pack my bags for spain when we have forever yet to do so. SR-71 going full blast in my ears @_@
zuki said:
Trying to block out the sound of my dad ranting, telling me to pack my bags for spain when we have forever yet to do so. SR-71 going full blast in my ears @_@

You're the first person I've ever heard of until now who even knows that band exist. 8)

Watching the news.
watching ghost in the shell 1 , just finished akira then im watching ghost in the shell innocence then wolfs rain gonna be a long weekend.