What you guys doing right now.

@CitizenGeek & iisan - All I listen to these days is J-rock, it's just become a habit, but a friend of mine was talking about dEUS, so it made me go all nostalgic for Belgian music again...
Doing some research into the Fibonacci Sequence for me essay, and finding a comic which, i find at least, to be funny.

Maths is machine work unless you're going to be doing theoretical stuff. Once we invented microprocessors we removed any need to learn it. Now the only problem is that these calculators are external to our minds... We need to get hooking them up. Where's my Cyberbrain!? ::taps foot::

On Topic: Attempting to watch Slayers Return windowboxed on my TV. I managed to solve it by changing my PS3 and TV settings, but that resulted in half the subs being off the screen. Good job ADV. There should be a law against releasing letterboxed 4:3 DVDs.
ayase said:
Maths is machine work unless you're going to be doing theoretical stuff. Once we invented microprocessors we removed any need to learn it.
I'd fathom we'll still need bright chaps to build these chips, and also to put them to good use.
Plus, maths is a great source for jokes!

Zin5ki said:
ayase said:
Maths is machine work unless you're going to be doing theoretical stuff. Once we invented microprocessors we removed any need to learn it.
I'd fathom we'll still need bright chaps to build these chips, and also to put them to good use.
We have machines to do those things too. ;)

As I say, for theoretical stuff and development of the subject then yes, certain people need to learn more than basic mathematics. I however, have wiped all but the most basic knowledge from my memory to make way for things more relevant to my interests.
LOL'ing at some MAL insanity. I think their server's done a HAL-9000. When I tried to add Slayers: Gorgeous it changed the score I had given to Slayers: Great instead, and then the update time for that froze at minus two seconds ago.
I'm in a free period at College. For some reason the General Conversation area's most recent pages are blocked by "Smooth Wall". However I can post here...
Zin5ki said:
ayase said:
Maths is machine work unless you're going to be doing theoretical stuff. Once we invented microprocessors we removed any need to learn it.
I'd fathom we'll still need bright chaps to build these chips, and also to put them to good use.
Plus, maths is a great source for jokes!


Its bad, but i still found that a bit funny. Still, dividing by Zero is still the best i know off.

At present, sorting out a few things for my ongoing essay, to no avail however. So i may need to call it quits for the day.
Brain's in reformat mode, working a hard day's shift and not sleeping too well has caught up with me now. Just finishing up here and slacking off for the day.