What you guys doing right now.

Spyro201 said:
No other drummer/guitarists then?? :lol:

And im now getting myself is a bad mood cause I cant draw.

Retired guitarist here XD

XD How come you stopped? Or was it like, classical XD

(If anyone cared enough, my band are on youtube playing one song at a ****** school concert thing someone recorded. Just search 'Judge Jo Brown And the Trash Compactors - Prison. And im the drummer btw)
kl didnt know there were other bands on here.

im lead singer (with no voice at the moment :() for my band: Dead Hybrid.
spyro what type of sound do you guys play?

oh and atm i've just got into work, bored already, and tired....waiting for lunch so i can go buy more bleach (hooked :D:thumb:)
Tachi- said:
spyro what type of sound do you guys play?

Tbh, atm its varying alot. The thing on youtube is kinda a 'punk' sounding thing but, its got a keyboard and more than 3 chords etc. My band atm are going through a big line up change, the bassist and rhythm guitarist look to be out of the band, so we're looking for new :lol:

Ah the difficulty of this band sometimes/
Taking a break from art research. I'm not a real fan of it, because my head is always bulging after reading for a short while ... Curse this simple mind! TT_TT
oh cool,
yeah my band has only just reformed, i put the band on the backburner for 6 months while i dealt with my personal life, but now everythings great and we recruited a new bassist and elec guitarist, i'll take a look at the vid on Utube.
we play a mix on Linkin park, enter shikari and avenged sevenfold.
a rap/ravecore screaming heavy metal sound :lol:
:lol: Awww im not keen on LP or ES. Il give you a listen though defintly. If you contact me on msn I might be able to get you more of our stuff :)
evangelion rocks said:
Recovering from my coursework all nighter T_T
You do an all-nighter, and I'm just doing the odd day... Man, I feel guilty and cheap. ^_^'
My brain's officially mush, so I'm just chillin... Damn you, Richard Slee (of whom I feel much better from a profile status.)
I know how you feel,after what has been wall to wall coursework all week i really just want to relax,but i've got a load of I.T to finish off tomorrow so goodbye lunch break!