What you guys doing right now.

DaNiMe-sama said:
Link100p said:
DaNiMe-sama said:
Link100p said:
I never really saw the point of an anime society now that we have the internet. All the information is there and can easily order things.

It's nice to meet people with the same interests - in real life.
Wait, life_outside_of a computer?

Yeah I know, who would have thought it were possible?

Its a scary story made up to scare the wee noobs :wink:
an hour and i'm off to uni, it should be that i'm nervous and excited, but i'm neither really, its just like a normal day. Oh well, i'm sure it'll sink in when i get there.
Arbalest said:
an hour and i'm off to uni, it should be that i'm nervous and excited, but i'm neither really, its just like a normal day. Oh well, i'm sure it'll sink in when i get there.

Ah you'll be fine, everyone i know who has gone to uni has fallen on their feet and made a ton of friends (aside from one who decided to apply 1 week before the course started - but even now he's fine!)

Just make sure to not spend too much in the first week, a friend started uni last week and he has £5 to last him until next week when his student loan kicks in :eek:

Hmmm, i'm playing Metroid Prime it seems, but mainly browsing the forums as i hate having to run for a good 10 minutes across the map to get a piddly ass missile expansion.
Liquid Skin said:
Hmmm, i'm playing Metroid Prime it seems, but mainly browsing the forums as i hate having to run for a good 10 minutes across the map to get a piddly ass missile expansion.

Ohhh you just reminded me to play it again!

I got really far into what I think was the last part of the map, then died (lost like 8 energy tanks), and haven't played it since, but now I'm ready again 8 ). I just wish there were more save points in the end bit!
Got back earlier today after being at a house party thing yesterday and today.

One recommendation that seemed to fly around because of someone, DON'T DRINK WHEN ON MEDICATION FOR A BROKEN RIB.

Urgh. Me needs sleep, But I won't get it.
Sat in my Dorm room just finishing my unpacking, whilst my friend(who started here last year, thankfully showed me about the uni and centre) is on Halo 2. Nice and peaceful heh, for now at least.
Listening to the Bleach OST [1] while at work, waiting to be called into a meeting

Gotta love how everyone in work either ignore it or like the varying contrasts of the tracks
Surfing the interwebs whilst listening to music, anything to drown the racket coming from the people next door. =/ May also head to bed soon since i have a registration thing for my maths course in the morning.