what movies are you most lookin forward too

Yeh trust me its not big enough for like 2 films though. And, where would you cut it?? There arent major time gaps or anything. Seems stupid to me, just like they are milking it. Im also happy Games Workshop have the licence to make stuff for The Hobbit :p :p
thekendyman said:
X-Files 2 - Nobody can argue that this is not good to see a New X-Files Movie [Completely seperate from the Series]
Blimey I thought that was in production hell. Really looking forward to that. I hope it's a severe improvement from the writing quality of Season 9.
Sy said:
thekendyman said:
X-Files 2 - Nobody can argue that this is not good to see a New X-Files Movie [Completely seperate from the Series]
Blimey I thought that was in production hell. Really looking forward to that. I hope it's a severe improvement from the writing quality of Season 9.
Aye. I don't remember much of The X Files from when I was in a young'en but I can't wait to 'ave a butchers at this latest endeavour. I wonder what type of extra terrestrial they'll be going after in this movie, Because its blatently going to be a something from out of space. I'm putting my money on the Cloverfield Monster. ^^ Anywho, I'm going to check it out. Them pictures look stellar.

I'm fairly eager to see the new Star Trek movie as well, Zachary Quinto is Spock and that is just awesome. I'm not a Trekkie or anything, I barely no anything about the series' in general. I'm still looking forward to this flick to be 'itting our silver screens this year.

I also want-ta see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 - I really didn't mind the first, I was expecting much much worse, Dave was a bit off though, Jason Lee is much better in "My Name Is Earl. I also really want The Hong Kong Phooey movie to actually get made. It would kick RL ass.

AND!!! Toy Story III will be epic. That goes without saying though. ;p
McIcy said:
eggybob said:
BlackWolf said:
eggybob said:
1st of Feb release date

Is that release date the offical date :eek: If so then i'm there, i need answers to this movie, and i hope the spoilers are wrong rumour has it that the monster is a giant mutated whale only thing putting me off is the shaky cam visuals, i'm not fond of the blair witch for this reason

Please don't be that.
I don't mind the Balir witch style though.

Looks very Blair Witch to me and that immediately makes me want to let it pass me by

It is very Blair Witch in the way that the camera is handled, they are lots of quick panning back and forth, there was an article I read somewhere it was making people feel motion sick ...But I wouldn't let it put you off? (I personally thought it was fine, but then, I liked the Blair Witch and how it was filmed).
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I think I will be giving it a miss if it if filmed like that as I get very motion sick after about half hour of playing most first person shooters. When I watched the Blair Witch in the cinema I spent nearly an hour and a half trying not to throw up over the person in front of me because of motion sickness as I did not want people to think I left because I had pussied out because I was scared.
Spyro201 said:
:lol: I love the way everyone calls him Pyramid Head. And cmon Kung Fu Panda will be hilarious

That's because that's his name :p That's what he was called in the second Silent Hill game

Yeah Kung Fu Panda looks okay but i'll still reserve my judgement for when it comes out
:lol: I forgot. (Ref: Pyramid head). I played SH2 etc. but was a long time ago lol.

And i just love the idea, im so going to see it with my mates Dan and Josh :lol:

In Wallace and Gromit my mate Dan went and commando rolled across the front row of seats, and didnt get kicked out :lol:
Hmm; tbh 2008 looks pretty barren for films I want to see:

There will be blood
10,000 BC
88 minutes
Iron Man
Indian Jones
The Incredible Hulk
Hellboy II
Batman: The Dark Knight
Punisher: Warzone

Mostly comic book adaptions and nothing else really..... =[ but 88 Minutes, 10,000BC and Blindness all look/sound pretty good.

edit-Oh and how could I forget what is probably my most anticipated film of 2008 doomsday. From the brilliant Neil Marshall; the man behind Dog SOldiers and The Descent.
kurosaki86 said:
Hmm; tbh 2008 looks pretty barren for films I want to see:

There will be blood
10,000 BC
88 minutes
Iron Man
Indian Jones
The Incredible Hulk
Hellboy II
Batman: The Dark Knight
Punisher: Warzone

Mostly comic book adaptions and nothing else really..... =[ but 88 Minutes, 10,000BC and Blindness all look/sound pretty good.

edit-Oh and how could I forget what is probably my most anticipated film of 2008 doomsday. From the brilliant Neil Marshall; the man behind Dog SOldiers and The Descent.
He wrote what I was thinking so you can read it again except imagine me saying it. :wink:
the iron man and hulk films are only a small step to what i really want to see (and hope comes out) an Avengers film :D ...they only need to finish the Thor and Captain America films and a few others which i forget :oops:
As long as they base Captain America on his Ultimate counterpart, I'd be more than happy to watch it.

Maybe even a cap movie set in WW2; not that could kick ass.