what movies are you most lookin forward too

Lelouch said:
But I thought the book was Big I seen my friend reading it in school.
When you see one of your friend reading A Suitable Boy, then you'll know what big is. ;) Regardless, even The Hobbit has enough in it for two films, if they don't cut ¾ of it out as most movie adaptations do. Rather, it is the irony that even the smallest of the three volumes of The Lord of Rings is over twice the length of The Hobbit, and each of those only got one feature each. Though there is already the irony of how the length of the film is inversely proportional to the relative length of the books, so in this respect The Hobbit fits in perfectly.

Having already seen Azur & Asmar (you should too, if you haven't already) and more or less missed Stardust, the ones I'm most excited about are Persepolis (25 April 2008) and Coraline (2009). Would like to see more live-action, but… Somehow, at the moment, I just don't feel attracted to live-action when in colour. Despite that, I will try to I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK (Saibogujiman Kwenchana), which I'd mistakenly given up getting a cinema release here, and The Go Master (Wú Qīngyuán), the new film from the director of Springtime in a Small Town. No sign of Big Bang Love: Juvenile A (Yonjûroku-Okunen no Koi), however.

However, my main point of this post was to alert you all to http://www.myfilms.co.uk – a somewhat useful site which lets one type in the title of a film and your postcode, and then lists the cinemas showing it in order of their distance from you. Supposedly, one can also use it for future releases, and it will tell you when it's starting to play near you (but I've been less successful with this side of it so far).

Oh, and I don't comprehend the fuss over Kung Fu Panda which seemingly eveyone around me is in. To me, it seems like a big budget knock off from TV's Skunk Fu. And funnily, just today or yesterday it suddenly hit me – where the bleep is Gambit in the X-Men films? Having just done a done Google search, I don't believe I'll, visually, have much problem with watching this actor.
I still haven't quite got over the surprise of that Oscar nomination. Had it won, I think I would still be in a coma from the shock, so ingrained in me is the tradition of that award going only to unchallenging, child-aimed, American films ever since Spirited Away (and even that was a family film with a child protagonist).
These year releases are great.I'm looking forward to watching Elizabeth the Golden Age and the Oscar winner for the best movie of the year-No country for old men
Turtleheart said:
I still haven't quite got over the surprise of that Oscar nomination. Had it won, I think I would still be in a coma from the shock, so ingrained in me is the tradition of that award going only to unchallenging, child-aimed, American films ever since Spirited Away (and even that was a family film with a child protagonist).

Yeah, the Oscars are insane when it comes to movies. They blatently regard the animation category as more of a "Best Child's Movie" category :/
Big Bang Love: Juvenile A is a great film.The visuals are amazing and they completely draw you in.I ended up watching it with wide eyes.Whilst I prefer Masanobu Ando generally,I cannot deny that Ryuhei Matsuda is a great actor.Despite there being something about him that I don't like all that much.

I can't make up my mind if I am looking forward to Speed Racer or not.I think i'm kidding myself into thinking I want to see it as Rain,a
South Korean singer,is in it :S hmmm...
That's the only reason that I too am at all interested in it. But no matter how strong the appeal of Rain-in-a-racing-suit-on-the-big-screen, I don't think that I could tolerate the majority of the film, as Americans and cars aren't exactly my favourite things. And anyway, there's still I'm a Cyborg to get one's fill of Rain from. ;)
Sin City 2
Alice (I hope it's good, CGed woulda owned, but sure that's effort, but why buffy...)

(I don't really look up much about movies)

Oh and for Japanese, Higurashi!
One week tile Iron Man people, I'm gonna be seeing it on Thursday before my flight, must see this film, anticipation is killing me.
Forbidden Kingdom. I've seen a clip of this and Jet Li and Jackie Chan make the fight scenes look amazing. Hell, I might even forgive Jet Li for lying about Fearless being his last martial arts movie, if he can pull this on off.
The new Mummy movie with Jet-Li for the lulz.
The Wolf Man remake [09 release ;___;]
The Happening
Hell Boy 2
The Dark Knight
Yeah, I heard the exact same thing though it's not put me off yet, still seems like a decent movie, but kills the impact of it all, really as in "WHAT IS IT!?"
The dark knight, the new mummy, hellboy II, but not really too excited about any of these except for the dark knight.
Hancock, Wall-E, Hell Boy II, Black Knight, Get Smart, The Mummy, Kung-Fu Pander and Tropic Thunder.

A few just on the spots that I'm looking forward to.
Movies i'm lookign forward to: Dark Knight, Wall-E, Hancock, Fanboys, Watchmen, Inglorious Bastards (Tarantino has finally finished the script!!!)

Movies that i'd rather not be made at all: Wanted (The comic book was a terrible poor mans Watchmen and the trailer doesn't show much premise either)