What manga are you reading now?

Spy x Family: Family Portrait (LN) - Chapter 3 - 5 (Complete)

This was a set of four stories + one short story focusing on different characters of the series. If you enjoy the slice of life side of the series, then you'll definitely enjoy these as though they add nothing to the main plot, they are fun one off's with the characters we've grown to love. I do hope they adapt these into the anime at some point though as they'd be fun to see animated.
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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest ch 178 - 179

Hajimete no Gal ch 193

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord ch 112

In Another World With My Smartphone ch 95

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ch 127

The Princess Knight is a Classmate! ch 71

Tsugumomo 174

Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher ch 114
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My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer volume 2-4: Bel's family is growing, despite him being single. Lots of action and new characters jumping into the saga, with the usual homely touches. Bit worried the author might be upset at the fame of his creation, although that may just be the translation of the afterword failing to make clear it was sarcasm. This was probably a bad choice for bedtime reading, as it's hard to put down. Then again, sleeping is overrated ... isn't it?
Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels vol 5
Friends with benefits and light S&M.
Blimey it's been just over a year since the last volume! The authors notes say that they got COVID during this batch of chapters and Japanese Wikipedia says they are published bimonthly in the magazine it appears in and the English publication started 2 years after the Japanese first volume, so I guess the first 4 were ready to go and the 5th got delayed a bit.
Vampire Hunter D Volume 8 Dramatized Adaptation Audiobook - Yet more entertaining yarn-spinnery, a decent 2-parter full of D being an amazing fighter who can defeat anyone, an interesting young lady and various other entertaining secondary characters and grotesque rogues' gallery, I'm now partway through Volume 9 :)

Pet Shop of Horrors Volume 1 (Seven Seas Collector's Edition Rerelease) - A series of short stories about a guy who owns a mysterious pet shop in chinatown (I assume the New York one), it's generally got a quite "cautionary tales/be careful what you wish for" kind of vibe to the stories - someone comes in, buys a pet then struggles to abide by the rules and things often go poorly, though not always, there were some stories with happy endings in this first volume - there was a 4-ep anime OVA many years ago adapting a few of the early stories and I remember it being decent but the manga is a far superior experience I'd say, the art is gorgeous vintage shoujo style as it started publication in 1994 originally, also it's more nuanced than I remember from reading V.1 of the older Tokyopop singles a decade or two ago - even when things do go poorly you can generally see that the humans aren't completely unsympathetic and I appreciated that a lot, will def be picking up the next volume of these new editions (they're those ones with about a tankobon volume and a half/300 pages or so in each volume). There's also a slightly bumbling NYPD detective called Leon who is trying to arrest the pet shop owner but can't get his hands on any proof that the Count D guy who runs the shop is responsible for all the grisly deaths of ppl who visited it and bought pets there, and ends up becoming kinda friends with him, the dynamic betweent them is gold XD

Last Quarter Volumes 1-2 (originally 3 volumes in Japan but this release has a volume and a half of those in each one so it's just two) COMPLETE - A romantic ghost story, but not just that, the spirit of a girl aged about 17 gets trapped in the big now empty house where she was hanging out with a musician called Adam who she loved, before the accident she had (got hit by a car) a 5th grade girl finds her in the empty house when she (the spirit girl) is playing the piano, they become friends and the 5th grader and her friends try to figure out how to help the spirit girl move on/forward - it was a touching and engrossing work and I was particularly impressed by how well fleshed out everything felt given it’s short length, and also appreciated the differences between this manga's artstyle and that of Neighborhood Story, it's subtle but definitely there, you can see that Ai Yazawa is very dedicated to her craft from stuff like that. Definitely one of the best short manga I've read and the dynamic between the four 5th grade kids felt very well done as well :)

Neighborhood Story Volume 1 (Viz 2023 semi-omnibus rerelease) - I have seen the entire NS anime subbed years ago, and really enjoyed it, so I was keen to revisit it via the source manga, and so far I'm getting a lot out of it, it's a lovely shoujo series with complex, multilayered characters, and I love the adults too - Mikako's mum, the bartender guy, Noriji, the sewing class teacher and so on, I'm now about halfway through Volume 2 and I'm really glad I got them all, this rerelease has insanely good printing quality and those (French?) flap things with the front one being diecut to look like pretty lace edging or that on a doily, these are again those releases with about 300 pages per volume :)
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Invaders of the Rokujouma volume 13: Action packed battles on earth and in space from start to finish. Extremely amused at this quote in the afterword from the author:

While I write down things I come up with, I think the most important thing before writing a volume is to think about how I want the series as a whole to end. Starting writing before everything is set can cause problems later on.

considering the series is getting close to 50 volumes. Does that mean they expected/planned it to go for this long!? I expect by the time I finally get to the final volume, they will all be in their 30s, still fighting the (evil) magical girls, underground people and aliens.