What manga are you reading now?

Idol, Burning (novella, complete)

So this is one of the books I got for Christmas, which I read over the course of last night / today. Really interesting read about idol fandom, tho on a deeply obsessive level. Certainly bits I could relate to even as someone whose interest is not nearly as deep as the MCs when it comes to my favourite actors, singers, etc and it was a fascinating read generally for how important having someone you admire, love and/or respect that much can become such a strong pillar of support in your life.

It's HEAVILY implied the MC is autistic or neurodiverse in some way as she struggles at school / work with everyday things, can't keep her room clean can't remember things, her obsession with the idol is a hyper-fixation if ever I've seen one - although what exactly she has going on is never named. She does have a diagnosis of some kind since the novel repeatedly refers to a hospital visit where she finally came to understand more about why she's the way she is. The afterword from the author explains that she has firsthand experience with this topic since her brother faced similar struggles to the MC, so it does feel quite authentic in how it's portrayed in that respect. I’m not sure if her brother is the reason she’s refrained from using a particular term in the name or if leaving it vague was part of the point (which I could see tbf, naming it would almost take away from everything the MC is and struggles with).

It can be difficult reading at times due to the downward spiral the MC gets herself into, but still something I would recommend wholeheartedly if you have any passing interest in idol culture. Being a novella it doesn’t outstay its welcome either. :)
Idol, Burning (novella, complete)

So this is one of the books I got for Christmas, which I read over the course of last night / today. Really interesting read about idol fandom, tho on a deeply obsessive level. Certainly bits I could relate to even as someone whose interest is not nearly as deep as the MCs when it comes to my favourite actors, singers, etc and it was a fascinating read generally for how important having someone you admire, love and/or respect that much can become such a strong pillar of support in your life.

It's HEAVILY implied the MC is autistic or neurodiverse in some way as she struggles at school / work with everyday things, can't keep her room clean can't remember things, her obsession with the idol is a hyper-fixation if ever I've seen one - although what exactly she has going on is never named. She does have a diagnosis of some kind since the novel repeatedly refers to a hospital visit where she finally came to understand more about why she's the way she is. The afterword from the author explains that she has firsthand experience with this topic since her brother faced similar struggles to the MC, so it does feel quite authentic in how it's portrayed in that respect. I’m not sure if her brother is the reason she’s refrained from using a particular term in the name or if leaving it vague was part of the point (which I could see tbf, naming it would almost take away from everything the MC is and struggles with).

It can be difficult reading at times due to the downward spiral the MC gets herself into, but still something I would recommend wholeheartedly if you have any passing interest in idol culture. Being a novella it doesn’t outstay its welcome either. :)

I like that the author doesn't appear to be heavily gendering autistic traits - as in she can see how a girl or woman could be like her brother, that's actually rly nice. I have a huge backlog already but this is something I hope to read one day based on your review :)
Kinda off topic but the best place

My goal for 2024 was to get my MAL to 100 complete manga series read

I failed

What didn't help was choosing series that didn't have a complete release. Or crazy long volumes like One Piece

I think I've read 122 volumes of manga this year... this is around 1/4 of manga volumes read since 2012!! (Total: 449)

So my Goal for 2025 is getting this to 100 complete series. Currently at 88

Not bad considering I only read manga during lunch. If I chose shorter series then it would have been possible but for some reason I decided to go hard mode lol
Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers volumes 8-11: I think I'm up to date on this series. Enjoyable snackish isekai. I still don't understand the difference between stats (which apparently Makoto can't improve) and mastery (where he's hundreds of levels stronger than any other mortal in the world). Time to catch up on my other series' before starting something new.
Kekkaishi Volumes 26-27 - I am still gonna finish this, but might wait until I've worked thru more of...

Vampire Hunter D Dramatized Adaptation Audiobook Volumes 2-4 - I heccin love these, just listening to Volume 5 - The stuff of Dreams as I type! :)
Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension volume 1: It's hard to think of a sillier concept than a hero who's main skill is the ability to summon a Japanese-style private bathroom (with changing and washing facilities, and eternally replenished cleaning products and towels), but here we are.

Yet another group of teenagers from modern Japan have been summoned to a fantasy medieval (with magic) world to stop a demon lord being reborn, and all our hero can think of is how to get the cute girls to join him in a bath. Well, he IS a teenager. The story is entertaining so far, and the author has managed to produce seven volumes so far, so there is obviously an audience out there.
Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension volume2-4: It's got me hooked. At least they have toned down the ogling aspect. I think the first volume was about 60% I wanna see the girls naked in my bath and 40% plot. By volume 4 it's down to about 15% bathing related and the rest is a fascinating tale of centuries old intrigue and corruption by the church and royal family against the will of the goddess of justice. Sure it's the modern equivalent of trashy pulp stories, but that's what I grew up reading.
Mixed bathing in another dimension volume 5-7: so nice to see a series come to a satisfying conclusion. Lots of baths wiyh all types of creatures (including some goddesses).

By the grace of the gods volume 1: trapped for an hour on an underground train in Brussels i decided to start this, mostly because i could be sure there will be no surprise pictures of half naked ladies on the next page. following the anime closely so far, with just a smidgeon of extra detail.
So nice to be spending time away from my PC and blu ray player. Read by the grace of the gods volume 2-6 now. I think series w of the anime stopped after volume 5. Lots of extra stuff (especially about what happened to ryoma's earthly friends after his death). Nothing new about elia and her friends at school yet. It's fun but it does take a long time to get anywhere.
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest ch 177

Hajimete no Gal ch 192

In Another World With My Smartphone ch 94

Monster Musume ch 87 - 88

Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World ch 93

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ch 126

The Princess Knight is a Classmate! ch 69 - 70

The Rising of the Shield Hero ch 112

Tsugumomo ch 173
By the grace of the gods volume 7-8: Lots about slime research and chatting with the Gods, a nice section about a surprise wedding and another about fighting mad salamanders in a fishing village. Nothing about Elia and her school life. From the opening pics of volume 9, it looks like she could finally make a cameo. If there's a third series of the anime, I can see massive chunks of slime evolution being dropped and the long philosophical conversations skipped.
By the grace of the gods volume 9: Shortest book so far, at just 160 pages (previously avg 230 pages). Mostly slime evolution tosh and everyone around Ryoma discussing his personality based on his actions or (in the case of the Gods) his traumatic past life. Very little actual story but we did get a couple of pages of Elia and her school friends visiting her parents. Time for a break from this series (9 volumes in 6 days was probably a bit much).