What manga are you reading now?

adamcube said:
Yotsuba #2!!!!!! YAY!

I know there's a Yotsuba #3, but isn't that kinda short for a manga series? Is there anymore?

Yes there is. The japanese releases number at least 4, perhaps more.

ADV promised a big improvement in their manga line. And I have been waiting eagerly for more of this. I got the impression that Azumanga Daioh was a big success for them, and Yotsub&! can convert that entire fanbase (Yotsub&! is even better).
Latest Rec, which was slightly anticlimatic (and seems to be mirroring Megatokyo) but fun. Also gone through as much of 7 Seeds as i can find. If taken with a pinch of salt good enought, biy like Lost, but with more kids.
hopeful_monster said:
Crest of the Stars, alot better than the anime.

No it isn't - too rushed, too brief and too chibi. Its a good accessory to the anime, when it lets through a few tidbits from the novel. No, or almost zero depiction of the signature battle sequences.
Just read Boys Be, brilliant loved the idea of it being lots of short stories although I would have loved the first story to have continued as there was definately some rivalry between two of the girls for the main characters affections.

About to start reading Samurai Champloo vol. 1
Naruto - in prep for vol 12 being released in a couple of weeks :D

Was considering getting Crest of the Stars but after a quick flick through in-store, something put me off getting the Manga :shrugs:
Laughing Manji said:
No it isn't - too rushed, too brief and too chibi. Its a good accessory to the anime, when it lets through a few tidbits from the novel. No, or almost zero depiction of the signature battle sequences.
IMO it is. The fight scenes in the anime were a lot of reused stock footage, and it was often difficult to work out what was going on. As for the chibiness i liked it as it injected a little humour (absent in the anime) which made the characters more human and less wooden. Just a little miffed that the last in the series the artist changed.
Other that that been reading Fushigi yugi, its good, if a ... well it seems they will never get anywhere. One step forward, two back. Only thing I'm wondering about is how are they gonna word the wish so everybody's happy.
Now my gf lives with me and watches soaps (argh I hate enders and corrie and all the other rubbish) I am finding more time to read manga so last night I re-read Genshiken vol. 6 and finally got round to reading vol. 7
I read Love Mode volume 1. Despite the good things i had heard about this series i was very put of by the way the characters actually looked so i had stayed clear of it for a while. But i bought the first volume at the beginning of the week, and although i was at first still not keen about the character designs, i soon got into the story, and it ended up being quite a good mix of romance and things of a slightly more mature nature. It held a good pace, and i never found myself bored while reading it.
I recommend Love Mode to any yaoi fans :)