What manga are you reading now?

XxFrozen_NekoxX said:
Just reacently read Chobits 1-8 I was really shocked by the turn of events o.o

Yeah, I just finished reading that series. Some of the stuff in there you just don't see coming! :eek:
read deathnote volumes 2 and 3. hunting around for volume 5 at the moment. should have been released last week. i have volume 4 till then though.
Yotsuba&! volume 4

I'm sick and tired of waiting for ADV to release this. If they are delaying it because of the chef joke they mistranslated in volume 1 then damn their eyes!
I read Claymore 1 today which while seeming to have the general consensus of being one of the weakest Shounen Jump titles I actually thought was better than anything Shounen Jump related (either manga or anime) I've ever seen put together. It wasn't brilliant, but still it was fun and enjoyable.
Chobits vol 1.

I probably shouldn't really be reading Chobits and DearS at the same time...I'm so gonne get them mixed up. :?