What manga are you reading now?

Still on Apollo's Song and it's still great!

Looking forward to getting started on D.Gray-man, too! (Although that may delayed if my order for the Evangelion manga vol. 7 - 10 gets here in the mean time!)
Re-reading Hunter X Hunter 1.

Got soooo much unread new stuff...and I'm re-reading. >_>

But I'll get onto unread HXH after this, so it's alright I guess.
Dracos said:
Lelouch said:
Just finished my 1st Volume of Ichigo 100%

Is that actually Ichigo 100% or Strawberry 100% which I have got the first two volumes of.

It's the same thing except Ichigo is shorter than strawberry & i'm lazy. :eek:

Also i was gonna read it a while back, But then i read on some forum that it was getting translated & brought out by "VIZ" so i thouht i'd wait & buy. :p
Phoenix vol 6 & 10- 6 was meh, 10 has potential if i can find part two of it.
Buddha vol 1- enjoying this slightly more as it has a more continuous plot line.
Gunsmith Cats Omnibus vol 1&2- Sweet guns, babes and cars. surprising how often Rally and May loses items of clothing, not that I'm complaining though.
Onegai Teacher 1&2- ... yeah... not quite sure what to say, other than from what I've read on-line the animé is even creepier :eek: