What manga are you reading now?

Empowered Volume 4 - I love how they're building up the plot slowly in Volumes 3 and 4, and the character interactions and humor are great fun as always :)

Grimm's Fairy Tales - Classics Reimagined Series Illustrated by Yann Legendre (Hardcover) - I enjoy a good fairy/folktale and the illustrations in this were very cool, not my favourite book of such things that I've read but I did enjoy it, I particularly enjoyed The Moon (which is a story about it's origins were it a giant lamp) :)
I spent roughly 6 weeks re-reading the first 70 volumes of One Piece, just so that I go into Volume 71 (first volume covering Dressrosa arc) with the best mindset altogether. Years back I felt like I had rushed through Box Set 3 and with that combined with the long wait for Box Set 4 I decided starting over was the best option.

Along the way I also read these for the first time:

One Piece x Dragon Ball: Cross Epoch (Manga) - One Shot
One Piece x Toriko: Taste of the Devil Fruit (Manga) - One Shot
I spent roughly 6 weeks re-reading the first 70 volumes of One Piece, just so that I go into Volume 71 (first volume covering Dressrosa arc) with the best mindset altogether. Years back I felt like I had rushed through Box Set 3 and with that combined with the long wait for Box Set 4 I decided starting over was the best option.

Along the way I also read these for the first time:

One Piece x Dragon Ball: Cross Epoch (Manga) - One Shot
One Piece x Toriko: Taste of the Devil Fruit (Manga) - One Shot

I know a lot of Viz boxsets include extra one-shots you normally can't get otherwise, were those OP one-shots included or did you read them by other means, would like to own the DB crossover especially.
I know a lot of Viz boxsets include extra one-shots you normally can't get otherwise, were those OP one-shots included or did you read them by other means, would like to own the DB crossover especially.
Those two one shots were included with Box Set 3. I recall the other two had Romance Dawn one shot and Strong World one shot.
Kowloon Generic Romance volume 5
This is my current favourite manga. Very mysterious, slow-moving plot progression but incredible vibes and gorgeous artwork. I'm desperate to know what's really going on, especially with the volume ending on an absolutely brutal WTF cliffhanger.
I started this manga after reading the reviews on this site. Can't recommend it enough!
Kowloon Generic Romance volume 5
This is my current favourite manga. Very mysterious, slow-moving plot progression but incredible vibes and gorgeous artwork. I'm desperate to know what's really going on, especially with the volume ending on an absolutely brutal WTF cliffhanger.
I started this manga after reading the reviews on this site. Can't recommend it enough!
We're so glad you're enjoying this title too; thank you for your kind words - but you're doing far better than I am as I'm still waiting for my review copy for #5 to arrive! :eek: (Having said that, I've cheated and read ahead up to Volume 7 in French but I can't use that for my review so... No Spoilers Here, I promise!)

We're so glad you're enjoying this title too; thank you for your kind words - but you're doing far better than I am as I'm still waiting for my review copy for #5 to arrive! :eek: (Having said that, I've cheated and read ahead up to Volume 7 in French but I can't use that for my review so... No Spoilers Here, I promise!)

The wait for volume 6 in March is painful...
I know I could just cave and go online and read a scanlation of the newer chapters, but I don't want to do that. They've put so much effort into the official translation and the extra explanatory notes at the end that I don't want to read an inferior version!
Wish I could read French though...
The wait for volume 6 in March is painful...
I know I could just cave and go online and read a scanlation of the newer chapters, but I don't want to do that. They've put so much effort into the official translation and the extra explanatory notes at the end that I don't want to read an inferior version!
Wish I could read French though...
I agree - the Yen edition is a good one and the notes are very helpful; it's also a better size (bigger) than the French one (although that has a dustjacket) which really does the amazing artwork justice. But March '24 is a long wait; they haven't rushed these out, which is good in some ways, but frustrating for readers! On the other hand, it's worth the wait... :cool:
Inside Mari Volume 7 Re-read
Inside Mari Volume 8 - 9 Finished

Great series. Might need to re-read at some point

Yes, I posted that in the wrong forum...

Pleasure & Corruption 4 Re-read
Pleasure & Corruption 5 - Half way through. Will finish tonight or tomorrow

Edit. Ended up completing Pleasure & Corruption
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