Usborne Magical Illustrated Stories (Hardcover) - I'm staying with my mum atm, and I've done two trips to charity shops to look for books of fairy tales and the like, this was a lovely one to start off with, it's 8 classic fairytales plus 6 new stories written for this book, and while it's hardly going to reinvent the wheel of storytelling it kept me engaged throughout, the illustration style is different for each story, not radically but there is variation, plus it has The Little Mermaid in it which as regulars here probably are aware is one of my favourite fairytales. What's also noteworthy about this book is that there are illustrations on literally every page with the text overlaid and that means you get a
lot of pictures, which I consider to be a big big plus. All the illustrations are full colour too, and I enjoyed both the old and new stories
Betty Bib's Fairy Field Guide (Hardcover) - A lovely book full of beautiful photos of fairies made by the author from scraps of cloth and other nice little bits, with plenty of fairy lore and an emphasis on appreciating the little things, really quite delightful
Spice and Wolf Light Novel Volume 3 Unabridged Audiobook Read by J. Michael Tatum and Brina Palencia - Still as good as it ever was, and it was nice having Holo's English VA do some of the chapters as well as Lawrence's. I wish more light novel series branched off the beaten isekai path as this one does!
Koshka's Tales: Stories From Russia - James Mayhew (Hardcover) - Utterly beautiful painted illustrations fill this poignant retelling of five Russian folktales, linked by a wise, kind old storytelling cat called Koshka, and a tsarita and her son who are on the island with her listening. I only paid a couple of quid for this but would happily have paid the £10 it retails for new given the beauty of the author's artwork. More stories would have been nice but I'm glad I took a punt on it