I was wondering if you have heard of a novel called Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata? I haven't read it but I heard about it on a youtube book/reading themed channel called A Clockwork Reader and it sounds like maybe you would like it if you like books about people who find their own, idiosyncratic happiness, it's also apparently quite short (was on a ten short books to get you out of a reading slump kind of list). Sorry if it's a bit weird to recommend stuff like that on an anime/manga and LN focused site and IIRC you tend to prefer manga to LNs anyway, but I just thought it might be of interest, made me think of what the youtuber had to say about it when I read what you wrote, even though the central theme is more about resisting the pressure to be intensely ambitious by default, rather than the pressure to be in a romantic relationship and stuff like that by default

You've reminded me to actually make the time to read some of Nagata Kabi's work at some point as sad to say I still haven't.
As for what I'm reading at the moment, I finished Volume 8 of Lovely Complex and I've been working my way through a lush big hardcover book called An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales, the illustrator is John Bauer, I've attached a pic of the cover as well. It's a delightful read if you enjoy fairy/folk tales, and I also have East of the Sun and West of the Moon with illustrations by Kay Nielsen which I am planning to read next after I finish this