What manga are you reading now?

Gawd, you people are lazy sods - Would it hurt to add more detail than just the title and volume number? I fail to see the point of posting just titles on a discussion board if you don't want to express your views.

If only everyone was like me the world would be perfect... :cry:
Fine here goes:

there are zombies and they are eating people they are in a school but then leave it is good because it is violent and has zombies in it i like zombies and have been to school so i could relate to it

(I do know how to use punctuation BTW)
Yes, and I know that 'than' and 'then' mean different things - I mispelled 'than' on purpose...for no real reason. :?:

It sounds ****, btw (caps key on, caps key off).
Aion said:
Yes, and I know that 'than' and 'then' mean different things - I mispelled 'than' on purpose...for no real reason. :?:

It sounds ****, btw (caps key on, caps key off).

Nothing with zombies in it is ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eggybob said:
Aion said:
Yes, and I know that 'than' and 'then' mean different things - I mispelled 'than' on purpose...for no real reason. :?:

It sounds ****, btw (caps key on, caps key off).

Nothing with zombies in it is ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The new Day of the Dead remake film would like to argue with that..so would the second Resident Evil adaptation actually...
BlackWolf said:
eggybob said:
Aion said:
Yes, and I know that 'than' and 'then' mean different things - I mispelled 'than' on purpose...for no real reason. :?:

It sounds ****, btw (caps key on, caps key off).

Nothing with zombies in it is ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The new Day of the Dead remake film would like to argue with that..so would the second Resident Evil adaptation actually...

I meant classic zombies, new DOTD zombies aren't (they can cling from ceilings) and i didn't mind Resi 2.
eggybob said:
Nothing with zombies in it is ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
d00d!! u r totarry rite!!!!!11

In other news~
Finished Aqua volume 2 today, concluding the first part which is continued in Aria.
It was a very enjoyable start and i'm definately going to watch the animes now before starting to read the Aria manga. I dont think i could handle the slow releasing by Tokyopop.

BlackWolf said:
...so would the second Resident Evil adaptation actually...
God that was aweful. I must of been 12 or 13 when i saw it when it first came out and even back then i recognised how crap it was :lol:
Eggybob still with the slow moving zombies the only good films are the original three :p the rest are forgettable

However on topic due to lack of funds i'm rereading everything i have so currently i'm back on Buso Renkin, liking it more the second time round
After finishing going through all the volumes in my Naruto set, I decided to resume reading Vol. 3 of Bleach (which I'd lost interest in).

Reading the Bleach manga has made me realise that, while enjoyable, the pre-SS section of Bleach wasn't great. The animation studio improved it a little by removing the pointless chatter and moving through the chapters at a fast pace but, even with the anime version, it wasn't really all that.

The problem I've always had with Bleach is how, unlike with Naruto, the characters aren't automatically likeable. Since shounen generally have weak stories that are only there to give the characters a reason to fight, the characters of Naruto being more appealing then the Bleach cast is what will always make Naruto superior in my eyes.
Read 1-17 of Dragon Ball today after Vol. 1-5 arrived. It's pretty good stuff; entertaining to read and easy to follow thanks to the simplistic story. I can see myself getting through all 5 volumes over the next couple of days.

So far, the only obvious thing Kishimoto seems to have copied directly from DB is Kame-sennin's character. Jiraiya is a very similar character - They're both perverts, they're both called hermit (Kame is a turtle hermit, where as Jiraiya is a frog hermit and they both train the main character. At this moment in time, I like the 'copy' a lot more than the 'original'.

What's surprised me about it so far is the sexual innuendo present in a comic aimed at young boys. Panty touching, panty removal, revealing body parts/allowing someone to touch breasts to get someone to do things, breast nudity... It's all present. I would've assumed that sort of thing wouldn't be allowed in a young boy series. Dragon Ball is definitely far more perverse than Bleach and Naruto.
Read 'Keep On Vibrating' earlier. Honestly, it wasnt just hentai. It was the wierdest thing i've ever read. Srsly. Way wierder than say, Uzumaki, even.
Aion said:
So far, the only obvious thing Kishimoto seems to have copied directly from DB is Kame-sennin's character. Jiraiya is a very similar character - They're both perverts, they're both called hermit (Kame is a turtle hermit, where as Jiraiya is a frog hermit and they both train the main character. At this moment in time, I like the 'copy' a lot more than the 'original'.


I just read One Piece chapters 497-515. Oh my GOD, why did I stop AGAIN? The Groves arc was AMAZING. A zoan dinosaur, Admiral Kizaru is a member of the Beatles, Sephiroth is in One Piece and seems to have brought Yu-Gi-Oh cards with him and the finale which was a truly brilliant way to go, it's so epic, it's like some Nobuhiro Sakaguchi plot twist. In a final attempt of desperation from fleeing from Bartholemew Kuma each member of the Straw Hats is picked off one by one and teleported all around the world. Luffy could not even save one of his nakama. With a sudden turn of events it's hard to decide whether my favourite Shounen is now One Piece or Hunter X Hunter.
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I finished reading volume 3 of Dragon Ball a couple of hours ago. Very entertaining to read; I can see why it became as popular as it did when it first came out.

Aside from the general perverseness of a story aimed at young boys, what's surprised me the most about DB is the lack of fights in the early parts of the story. Up until a little after chapter 30, there hadn't been any proper fights outside of brief exchanges that lasted for only a couple of pahes (WTF!? punches...). The early part of the series is more comedy than action; very different from Bleach and Naruto.

It's just too bad there are so many volumes (42 ;___;) - I'll never buy 'em all for various reasons, my lack of space being the most troublesome. I'll probably finish volume 5 and never get around to reading the rest. >__<
Dragon Ball was a gag manga, with average popularity. It was only when Goku became an adult (Z) and the fights became the main focus, that the popularity got massive.
I've read all 5 of my DB volumes, leaving me with no further reading material. I also finished up my final Bleach volume (vol. 6) just after finishing vol. 5 of DB.

I might start reading through my 6 One Piece volumes now. It doesn't look like my thing (don't like the art or rubber pirate hero) but I'll give it a go.

Jayme said:
Dragon Ball was a gag manga, with average popularity. It was only when Goku became an adult (Z) and the fights became the main focus, that the popularity got massive.

Well (Sven voice), the fighting has become the main focus since chapter 30-something, with one fight actually lasting for around 4 chapters. It looks that that's going to continue in volume 6 and above after volume 5 ended with Goku climbing a tower and fighting bosses on each floor.

It's actually disappointing - I enjoyed the jokes a lot. It's probably going to go downhill if the series is going to enter into a cycle of light-hearted fights against random tough baddies...