School Idol
Most people out here playing the brand new releases and here I am completing 14 year old Assassins Creed II 
I needed a break from Elden Ring and I had a good time with ACII (apart from the absolute dogshit controls. I nearly rage quit in that second to last dungeon with the timed puzzle. Please jump off the cross and onto the beam Ezio. PLEASE) I have Brotherhood and I will boot that up soon as well but in the meantime, I decided to clean up some games I've left on hold. I never intended to stop Elden Ring for long, I just needed a change of pace so I've already started that back up again today and I've also jumped back into the original FFVII too. About time I finish that game as well.
I've also been playing Disco Elysium on the deck. I've heard many great things about this game but idk it's not really hitting for me at the moment. I do want to get at least one playthrough done though so I'll see whether I end up liking it more or not.

I needed a break from Elden Ring and I had a good time with ACII (apart from the absolute dogshit controls. I nearly rage quit in that second to last dungeon with the timed puzzle. Please jump off the cross and onto the beam Ezio. PLEASE) I have Brotherhood and I will boot that up soon as well but in the meantime, I decided to clean up some games I've left on hold. I never intended to stop Elden Ring for long, I just needed a change of pace so I've already started that back up again today and I've also jumped back into the original FFVII too. About time I finish that game as well.
I've also been playing Disco Elysium on the deck. I've heard many great things about this game but idk it's not really hitting for me at the moment. I do want to get at least one playthrough done though so I'll see whether I end up liking it more or not.