I guess as a bit of backstory my first experience with the FF7 universe was with Advent Children when I was teen, I adored the movie despite not really knowing what the hell was going on but it was so cool to me. Of course over the years I already knew about the two major deaths of the series, Aerith and Zack, just without the context (I mean I knew Sephiroth killed Aerith but that was all) and I'd played a tiny bit of Dirge of Cerberus (a game I've still never beaten nor remember much from the little I played) but outside of that it wasn't until I finally played FF7 Remake a few years ago that I really got into the world of FF7 and have adored it ever since. FF7 Remake is an amazing game and I still rate it very highly though will be interesting to go back to after Rebirth.
After that I moved onto Crisis Core Reunion which wasn't that long ago and it was great to finally see what Zack was all about and I fully understood why people love him and though I knew he'd die at the end, that ending battle and scene brought me to tears regardless.
Afterwards I was unsure what to do, do I wait and go into Rebirth blind or do I play the OG FF7 as I really enjoyed Remake not knowing what the actual plot of FF7 even was but I decided to play the original in the end and I'm really glad I did as I think it further improved my experience with Rebirth as well as improved how I felt about Remake as well as made me realise the flaws of Crisis Core and Advent Children (I hate that Genesis is present at the Nibelheim reactor in CC

) and of course FF7 is a fantastic game by itself. I did also re-watch AC before Rebirth, didn't enjoy it as much as I did when I was younger as the plot is pretty weak but the action scenes and music are still top notch, I can't hate the movie.
Now onto Rebirth itself, where to start.
Gameplay - This is definitely my favourite combat system for a FF game, I'm already a fan of action games so the remake series not being turn-based hasn't been an issue for me personally. Though mostly the same as Remake, it has definitely been improved upon and once you adjust it feels great and of course the more abilities and materia you acquire the better it gets.
Starting with Cloud I really like that they have added a ranged attack into his default move-set as considering you play as him for the majority of the game it can be a real issue when you're stuck against an airborne enemy and may not have the equipment / abilities / party members to deal with them as easily.
Barrett feels mostly unchanged though I didn't use him much in Remake tbf but after spending more time with him in Rebirth I've really come around to his playstyle and he definitely does feel better overall.
Tifa again is mostly unchanged and was my favourite to use in Remake, she continues to have great abilities and can be a powerhouse. Due to some other characters I haven't used her as much in Rebirth but is a fantastic option still.
Aerith like in Remake I feel starts off not the strongest but once you build her up she is a fantastic character and you want her in your team at most times. This time around some of her abilities from Remake are baked in to her default move-set which worked well. I don't have much to say about her apart from put the time and effort in as it'll be worth it.
Yuffie is such a fun character to use, I enjoyed playing as her in Intergrade but due to the short time of the DLC I never got the chance to fully experiment with her gameplay but that has been rectified in Rebirth. Being a mix of a melee and ranged fighter she works great in any situation and being able to change her magic type for her ninjutsu further adds to that. I personally used her as a ranged attacker more and was one of the most common party members I used in my playthrough.
Red XIII was my biggest surprise as prior to this I was curious how'd they make a four legged animal playable in this sort of game (though we got a glimpse with non-playable Red in Remake). I really enjoyed his defence styled gameplay which I didn't think I'd be a fan of but I really came around to it very quickly. He also just feels like he powers through enemies being one of the quickest enemy killers and getting that stagger bar up fast. With Cloud and Yuffie he was the other I used the most.
Cait Sith is the odd ball, I really think I just need to spend more time with him and really learn his gameplay style as though I was starting to get some cools things out of him it wasn't really clicking with me. Like Aerith I think once I have the right materia and the like and learnt what moves to use in what situations he could possibly become quite a broken character (like in OG FF7). Definitely my least used character and really only used him when I had to or to get his weapon abilities.
Story - Picking up from Remake we jump straight into playing as Zack for a short section which was a pleasent surprise as I expected the Nibelheim flashback from the demo to be the opening segment and honestly just the fact that Zack was playable at all brought a giddy smile to my face. Though after this we don't see anymore of Zack and his world for a very long time in-game but once you do it picks up and appears more frequently but not so much it keeps interupting the main plot. These Zack portions of course are brand new and not present in the original game and because of that these were the most intriguing, especially the more we get to the endgame.
But jumping back to the main plot we get the Nibelheim flashback which is a great section and from there we cover all the way up until the end of Disc 1 of the original. This covers Kalm, the Mythril Mines, Junon, Costa del Sol, Corel, the Golden Saucer (and below), Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, the Temple of the Ancients and the Forgotten Capital. Areas the game doesn't include which you could access during this section in the original are Fort Condor, Bone Village, Rocket Town and Wutai but it's very clear these are being saved until Part 3 so it doesn't take away for me personally as I know they'll do them justice.
Some notable new additions to the story though start with Gongaga which has been very much fleshed out. This includes the appearance of the Crisis Core character Cissnei which was nice to see her again and adding new story events to the reactor in that area which ends with Tifa entering the lifestream which was a very interesting scene. The majority of the new additions though happen with during the final few chapters, which involves a lot of Zack related stuff, the multiverse and the infamous Aerith death scene. At first I was quite lost on what the hell was going on but after looking back and re-watching the scenes multiple times I have a much better idea now but there is still a lot left which we don't have answers for. I know the ending has been very divisive and I can see why but personally I still liked it a lot and am intrigued by the direction they are going in. It still left me in tears so the impact of the original was still there, much more so with how much more development and time we've got to spend with the characters, Aerith especially, she is so precious. I also think whatever happens in Part 3 will likely change how this ending is viewed, for better or worse so only time will tell.
Characters - As an extension of the story the characters are all great for the most part, I don't have many complaints. Their interactions and friendships with each other is part of the driving force of why I love this game so much, whatever they do together is a joy to see. As mentioned above Aerith is my highlight of the remake series but Barrett is easily a close second to me. All the characters from Remake and Intergrade continue to be fantastic though but those two always stand out.
With the characters introduced with Rebirth though we start with the two-faced Scottish robo-cat, Cait Sith. Though he is charming you always know he's hiding something but they have definitely toned him down from being as much of an ass as he was in the original (and that won't be the last time this happens with a character). Due to him appearing a bit later in the game and not really being present for side quests he doesn't get as much time to develop and bond with compared to the others but again once we have Part 3 we'll get to know him more but so far I like what we have.
Next is Cid, the most divisive character so far, now I definitely don't dislike him and we haven't seen much of his story at all due to no Rocket Town yet so I'll wait until Part 3 before any decisive feelings but he is definitley much different than before as in the original he was a bastard to put it bluntly, in Rebirth he is a much more nicer of a person and is unfortately missing his iconic cigarette (I'm no smoker and it's unhealthy I know but it's iconic here).
Now we have the man who just oozes edgy and cool, Vincent Valentine. Meeting him in his iconic coffin in the Shinra Mansion as always, you can't not love him. What really surprised me is the boss fight against him, one of the best additions to Rebirth and I can not wait to see how that comes into play when he is playable in Part 3. Like with Cid he doesn't have a lot of screentime in Rebirth but he definitely got more to do than Cid, even being a part of the Queen's Blood storyline which was fun. Now he is integrated into the main story unlike the original where he was optional I can't wait to see how his story will be expanded upon in the future, especially with how much love the other optional character of the original, Yuffie, got in Intergrade and Rebirth. And with Intergrade already introducing Deepground which was the focus of Dirge of Cerberus (Vincent's game) I fully expect for him to be involved with that in some way, maybe even adapting the events of DoC somewhat, despite Rebirth taking place a few years before DoC, though I don't think many people would mind if that game got retconned. I'd also take a DoC remake in the future and making it an actual good game.
World - The World of Rebirth is beautiful, so many iconic areas have been remade and expanded upon lovingly. The game is split up into regions which are open world areas with a huge number of things to do in each. Outside of the main story quests all the side content in these areas help fill out the World Intel which Chadley requests of you and due to how much I loved this game I did absolutely everything I could to max out the world Intel and got to explore every nook and cranny of this world. The side quests as well are all fantastic, you may get the odd one which isn't anything special but the majority add so much to the world and characters. I was surprised as to some of the stuff you'd only find out by doing these side quests as they're really notable to the world and story which makes these even better, you're getting worthwhile lore and the like out of these.
My most surprising part of this game though was once you leave Nibelheim in the Tiny Bronco you get the scene where it crashes and turns in a boat, you find out the game is actually fully open world and you can travel across the entire ocean to anywhere on the map, a true world map like the original. Playing it I knew some regions were connected such as the Grasslands and Junon and Corel and Gongaga but the fact you can seamlessly travel between them all was outstanding and makes me very excited for Part 3 when we get the rest of the world and the Highwind.
Music - OMG the music is this game is a masterpiece, the amount of the music in this game is crazy, from the new renditions of tracks you'd expect to new pieces and then pieces which were made for the smallest of sections, they didn't slack at all. Some of my favourite tracks would have to be the beach area of Corel with the ziplines, Kalm, the trip up Mt. Corel, Gongaga, the renditions of The Price of Freedom and the main theme of this game which Aerith sings during the Loveless performance.
Queen's Blood - I briefly mentioned this earlier but one of the major side quests in this game is the new card game introduced in Rebirth, Queen's Blood. What Queen's Blood is, is thar you have a board (somewhat like a chess board) which has three rows and with your cards you need to get the most points on the rows to win. A simple concept which as you get further into it the more layers which are added. Now when I was first saw this I kind of dreaded it as I always struggle to learn new card games and seeing that this was going to be a quest line and knowing I'd want to do everything in this game before I got it, I was ready for a slog but once I picked it up, I fell in love with it and is basically an entire second game within this already massive game. I'd easily take a standalone title of this in the future, it's very addicting and did almost every match in the game (apart from the last optional game in the Golden Saucer, I can't beat it

). Definitely another highlight of this game and the plot was pretty cool as well surrounding it.
Mini-Games - This is partly what I meant when I said this game feels like a game. So many of these just seem like silly things other games would see as a waste to include and though they aren't all great (some are very frustrating when going for the high rank scores) a lot were actually really solid and kept things interesting, changing things up keeping the game constantly fresh. And there is a lot of mini-games which I know not everyone will enjoy but I just love that you can see the developers had a lot of fun coming up with some of these and intrigued as to what they'll cook up for Part 3 (the Golden Saucer is already teasing the snowboarding).
Overall Thoughts - I know there is a lot I still I didn't touch on but I think I coverered all the main points and if there is anything to take away from this, is that there you'll get a lot of game for your buck with this title, one of the most content rich games on the market which is for the most part all fun to do (at least I think so).
I loved this game though from start to finish and I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since. Part 3 can't come soon enough. This is easily in my top three games of all time now.