What Games Are You Playing?

For December, I had accepted the fact that I won't hit my target of 40 video games. In fact I didn't even beat last year's record if I got my notes right. But what I did decide to do was go for the ones that I had wanted to play immediately and that was the classic PlayStation games that were available on PlayStation 5. These are all short in length but still proper games at the end of the day and I had a good time with each one.

#22 - Jet Moto (Jet Racer) (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: November 2023 (via PS3)

The first PlayStation classic that I decided to play is Jet Moto, also known as Jet Racer in Europe. This is a racing game released in 1996 by developer SingleTrac, the folks behind Twisted Metal 1 & 2, where you drive a floating jet and it's an intriguing title.

The concept is pretty simple, you race to reach the finish line but this is no easy game in all honestly. Jet Moto has some complicated controls and gameplay as your bike is rather sensitive, so if you don't angle your vehicle correctly you will swerve off the edge and even hit the various obstacles that are in your way, like trees or props. You can even hit the checkpoint header in one of the maps which is pretty funny to see.

The game offers different modes, from a regular race and tutorials, to tournaments and elimination rounds. As you race the tournaments you do unlock more maps to play and add more variety to the repetitiveness of the game. The maps even have hidden paths which I found one by accident. Also on the maps are a lot of steep curves which sounds like a challenging but your vehicle can grapple onto a pole so you can swerve around the corner and maintain your speed which is a good feature for a game like this.

For a short game I did like what the game provides. The rag doll when your character hits an object was entertaining even if its annoying but the emulator's rewind feature does help for situations like this. While I don't necessarily enjoy every single map, the level design was pretty solid and the grapple concept was cool.

The trophies for this game are pretty simple. Race every map, win each type of mode and play a certain number of races. I got the Platinum trophy after about 2 hours of playtime. Because the game does make you swerve numerous times I did take breaks here and there to avoid any form of motion sickness.

Also a bonus mention - normally when it comes to re-releases onto emulators that sometimes licensing and banners tend to get updated due to expirations but this release on PlayStation 5 has kept the advertisements which is a surprise.

Overall Jet Moto was a fun little game and I recommend giving it a shot on the PlayStation Plus service if you have that. I bought the game on the PlayStation 3 store to get the PS5 version for free.

#23 - Jumping Flash! (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: June 2022 (April 2021 via PS3)

The second PlayStation classic is an early launch game from 1995 with Jumping Flash! by Japanese developers Exact and Ultra, with some assistance from Japan Studio. This is a platformer where your goal is to find some carrots on each stage before proceeding to the next, and along the way you can even find a special stage to play around with.

Despite being a launch game, the visuals look pretty good and runs fairly well. The controls for the camera is my only major issue because it's not aged well, and part of that is due to how this came before the analog sticks were introduced. I did enjoy the first-person perspective and when you jump around your shadow helps with guiding you to where you are at on the map.

The enemies have a good variety but I tend to avoid them as it's easy to dodge. That said you do have the option to shoot them when needed. They do respawn though from what I have seen. The boss fights were neat and one of them I did have an issue with at first until I realised that jumping and falling can do tons of damage to them. The final boss was a challenge as they tend to run away and hit you at various angles but overall it was a good time.

For a short game Jumping Flash! was pretty fun, and they did patch it to include trophy support which is completing the game and getting all of the collectibles and extra stages completed. I bought the game on the PlayStation 3 store back when the store was planned to be closed, so the PS5 version was available for free.

#24 - I.Q.: Intelligent Qube (Kurushi) (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: June 2023 (via PS3)

Next is a game that I am very familiar with but never managed to play and that was I.Q.: Intelligent Qube, also known as Kurushi in Europe. Developed by G-Artists Inc. (PoPoLoCrois) in 1997, the game is a very fun puzzle experience.

In fact knowing about the series I was worried it would be too complicated but in reality it is a lot simpler than it looks and the video tutorials were handy to learn how the game's mechanics works. The idea is that you need to get rid of the cubes in front of you before they crush you or they fall off the edge behind you. You highlight a block and when the cube lands on it, you press a button to make it disappear.

There are three types of cubes. The regular grey cubes are the ones you can remove as per normal, then there's colourful ones where if you highlight and remove it it will also highlight all of the squares around it which extends even further if another colourful cube is caught in the mix. Then you have the black cubes which are the ones you want to avoid highlighting and capturing. You can highlight a cube and let the cube go past it, but capturing black cubes will result in your path behind you losing space which is what you want to avoid.

And to mention again, when you highlight blocks, it will stay there for as long as you want it to be before pressing the button to remove it, even if its going to take about 5-10 more seconds to get the right cubes. This tactic is useful for situations where the black cubes are in the way before getting the right combination.

The game adds more challenge to the mix for each stage as it adds more columns to the mix. I was able to get through roughly 80-85% of the game without having to use the rewind feature just so that I don't end up getting any rows behind me removed. The trophies for this game is essentially finish the stages which is fine, and if you want more challenge the second game is also available on PlayStation 5 (which is PAL only as it wasn't released in North America).

Overall Kurushi was a lot of fun and took a few hours to finish. I highly recommend playing this game if you like to try out a classic PS1 puzzle to play next.

#25 - Ape Escape (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: June 2023 (via PS3)

I've played an Ape Escape game before when I was younger and I believe it was Ape Escape 2, but I never owned it, only rented it. The closest that I got to owning an Ape Escape game was with Eye Toy: Monkey Mania on the PlayStation 2. So being able to play the original Ape Escape was a treat and its neat to see Sony bringing it back as a Classic title for PlayStation 5 was appreciated especially as the first three games were not added onto the Classics line-up on PlayStation 3 in the west (Japan got them at least). The second game is on PlayStation 4 via the PS2 on PS4 line-up but is only the PAL version.

So how do I feel about the original 1999 Ape Escape game from Japan Studio after all of these years. I felt the game held up pretty well and had a fun time going through each level. The game uses the analog sticks a lot and part of that is to showcase PlayStation's DualShock controller and in most cases it works really well, except that I had struggled a lot with the boats.

I have been told that I wasn't controlling the boats properly but I do think they are messy regardless (I also kept spinning in circles which is funny not going to lie), and while the idea works the execution I felt doesn't age well. Controlling the tank later in the game weren't too bad though. Besides those two, the rest of the controls works fairly well and I got used to how the mechanics work.

The game has a ton of gadget variety to capture the apes, from an RC Car, slingshot, dash hoop and the most powerful one which isn't available until you finish the normal ending of the story - the magic punch. Each gadget has a tutorial stage before you are able to use them in the levels which is handy to learn how they work. Much like a lot of platformer games, you won't be able to 100% the levels as soon as you enter them because a lot of apes are not accessible due to not having the right gadget available. Alongside the apes in each level are gold coins which you can collect to unlock some mini-games which involve ski racing and even a punch-out.

I didn't go for 100% completion in this game but I was able to get over 100 apes and over 40 gold coins that qualify for the Platinum trophy. If you want to get the best ending in the game you'll need to find all of the apes in each level. It's fairly lengthy at about 8 hours spent on the normal route in general so there's enough value here to enjoy.

#26 - Twisted Metal (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: November 2023

After a brief break I started Twisted Metal, the second SingleTrac game in this backlog to play, released in 1995. The Twisted Metal franchise is one that I am familiar with but much like Ape Escape I never played them. I did consider the PlayStation 3 instalment but decided to focus on the classics that Sony added earlier in the year. I did attempt to get the games on PlayStation 3 but when they were added onto modern platforms it corrupted the listing on PS3's store so I had to go to support to fix that and rebuy them from PS5.

Twisted Metal is a vehicular combat game where you control a vehicle and destroy every enemy vehicle in your map across multiple stages. Each stage adds an extra vehicle enemy to battle and eventually you'll land on the final stage which has a big enemy type that is challenging to beat.

Despite its concept and age, Twisted Metal is actually really surprisingly challenging to play because of how much damage you can take, which carries over into the next stage adding more difficulty to the mix. The benefit of this game however, is that it does not punish you for using password codes to continue where you left off. For me this is essentially like restarting a stage with full health than making the enemies easier to beat. Heck the game does provide difficulty levels but the only difference is how many lives you receive which doesn't add much.

Twisted Metal does have credit for having different variety of designs and stats for each vehicle that's available for you to control. Some deal better damage, some have better pacing and some use specific weapons that can be close-range or easy to use. In addition each vehicle's stages has different enemies to fight which makes each experience different and better paced. I also loved how some cars just fall off the edge at random though.

I used the password method for the trophies so that I can replay the final stage for each character which can take ages as there's a lot of vehicles to use. The progress was roughly about almost 3 hours get the Platinum trophy, but overall I found Twisted Metal to be a solid start to a franchise for Sony. I have heard the second game is a big improvement so I'm curious to see how that's done.

#27 - Hot Shots Golf (Everybody's Golf) (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: June 2023

From the Japanese studio that brought you the Shining Force games, Mario Golf and Golden Sun comes the first instalment in the Everybody's Golf franchise, also known in North America as Hot Shots Golf. For an old game, this was a lot of fun to play.

This game holds up pretty well on PlayStation 5, with a wide variety of characters and courses you can play and beat. The controls are pretty solid and the rewind feature from the emulator is your best friend here due to the challenge and RNG the game throws in your face.

Speaking of RNG, this is the game's biggest problem because its so random that it makes the idea of reaching a hole in one or an Albatross extremely low in chance because of the positioning of your ball but also the wind direction which changes for each time you enter the course. Despite that though, the courses themselves I appreciated its design and the AI you go up against is pretty decent as it's not annoying but not dumb either, though some do end up hitting their ball into the water from time to time.

I was able to unlock all of the characters at a steady pace and unlock the later courses via the tournament without too much grinding required. I will admit that I did use practice mode to get the Albatross and Hole in One trophies. I did try to get them both on the regular courses but the RNG made it near impossible in a lot of my shots (they were very close but wasn't doable). I managed to get the Platinum trophy after roughly 11 hours.

Much like Twisted Metal, I have heard the next game is much better on the performance so I look forward to it.

#28-#30 - Syphon Filter, Syphon Filter 2 & Syphon Filter 3 (PlayStation via PS5)
Acquired: June 2023 (via PS3)

At this point I caught a bad cold which was absolutely frustrating because I had finally taken the time off work that I needed. Miraculously I was just well enough to play some more classic PlayStation games and to wrap up the year I decided to play all three games in the Syphon Filter trilogy released in 1999, 2000 & 2001 by Bend Studio (Bubsy 3D).

Again like the others in this backlog, I've been fully aware of the Syphon Filter franchise but I never understood why it was popular. After playing these games I can definitely see the appeal that it brings because it's a great addition to the PlayStation backlog even with its unique control scheme.

Syphon Filter is an action stealth third person shooter game where you control a few characters, mainly our main lead Logan, as he kills enemies, completes objectives and makes sure the job is done in his spy adventure. The first game came out after Metal Gear Solid and before more 007 games were being released so it was left under the radar by a lot of people but did well enough to keep the franchise going.

The controls is interesting because it is unusual. You have the D-Pad/Left Analog stick to move your character forward, backwards and sideways. Then you have L2 & R2 to strife side-ways as you shoot against other enemies. Then there's L1 for a first-person view to get a better accurate shot, while R1 is a lock-on which is fine but a lot of enemies tend to have armour which makes this idea rather useless. In addition to shooting, you can also perform a barrel roll and use the Select button to switch weapons. In the first game I struggled on the first mission because there's a flashlight that you needed to use which can only be accessed in the menu and not in the select section which was rather annoying. I have noticed that the lock-on is rather delayed for shooting so it does make some moments frustrating.

I do think the first mission does setup the controls and concept of the Syphon Filter games very well, and in general I had a great time with each one. Each game does have their ups and downs interestingly. I found the stealth to be decent but in a lot of cases it can be a pain in the neck. The weapon variety is really cool and I love how the weapons and armour stay on the ground on the level so you can backtrack and pick them up without having to worry about them disappearing. The enemies do respawn when backtracking which is annoying and you can easily force yourself to backtrack because you didn't fulfil an objective.

Each game has some really well done level designs. In the first game, I did find the ending missions to be very reactive (i.e you need to be quick) because you can easily get killed if you aren't careful. The second game improves on its storytelling narrative though it does fall flat in its final few missions, but I found the constant use of having to perform headshots on enemies rather annoying. The third game tries to provide a balance but there were some missions that really frustrated me especially the one in the desert where you are defending a vehicle and enemies randomly appear to which if you aren't fast enough you can get a game over immediately.
The Rewind feature is your saving grace for these games due to how ******** some of the 'mission failed/parameter failed' notices you get throughout.

The graphics hold up pretty well and I thought it was interesting how the first game had some mouth movement, the second game didn't and then the third game went for CG cutscenes. UI and everything else wasn't updated so it does feel like you're playing the same game at times. The story was intriguing. The first game felt too fast paced so it was easy to get lost, the second game improved on the pacing but it falters in its last few chapters, and the third game felt like an oddity from the others due to the direction they went with its storytelling. Despite the story, I did like Logan and Lian as characters that you follow throughout. Somewhat reminds me of Mission Impossible at times. The voice acting has aged but at least they tried.

That said, despite my issues I am still very much interested in what else the Syphon Filter franchise has to offer and I got the Platinum trophy for each game in the series. The first game took me 7 hours to finish the story, the second game was much longer at 8 hours, while the third game is shorter at about 6 hours. The trophies are mostly just finishing the story which is fine by me.

All three games I bought on the PlayStation 3 store to get them for cheaper as they will provide the PlayStation 5 version for free.

My backlog so far:
PC/Steam Backlog - Game Name:​
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the SkyTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SCTurn-Based RPG
PlayStation 3 Backlog - Game Name:​
3D Dot Game HeroesAction RPG
Bleach: Soul ResurrecciónFighting
Castlevania: Lords of ShadowAction, Hack n Slash
Drakengard 3Action RPG
Eternal SonataTurn-Based RPG
FolkloreAction RPG
Gran Turismo 5 Academy EditionRacing
inFAMOUS 2Action
Katamari ForeverPuzzle
Prince of PersiaAction, Platformer
SEGA RallyRacing
Sly Cooper: Thieves in TimeAction, Platformer
Split/Second: VelocityRacing
StrangleholdAction, Shooter
Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the OverlordTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Way of the Samurai 4Action
PlayStation 4 Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
13 Sentinels: Aegis RimTactical RPG, Visual Novel
AI: The Somnium FilesAdventure, Visual Novel
Black Clover: Quartet KnightsAction, Fighting
Bullet Girls PhantasiaAction, Shooter
Burnout Paradise RemasteredRacing
The Caligula Effect: OverdoseTurn-Based RPG
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New ChampionsSports
Catherine Full BodyPuzzle
Chaos;ChildVisual Novel
Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve StarsTurn-Based RPG
Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses OnlineAction RPG
Danganronpa 1 ReloadVisual Novel
Danganronpa 2 ReloadVisual Novel
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair GirlsAction, Shooter
Danganronpa V3: Killing HarmonyVisual Novel
Date A Live: Rinne Utopia (Rio-Reincarnation)Visual Novel, Dating Sim
Date A Live II: Ars Install (Rio-Reincarnation)Visual Novel, Dating Sim
Date A Live III: Twin Edition: Rio ReincarnationVisual Novel, Dating Sim
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's MemoryTurn-Based RPG
Disaster Report 4: Summer MemoriesAdventure, Simulation
Dissidia Final Fantasy NTArcade, Fighting
Dragon Quest Heroes IIAction RPG, Musou
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive EditionTurn-Based RPG
Dragon's Crown ProAction RPG
Fairy TailTurn-Based RPG
Fate/Extella LinkMusou
Final Fantasy IXTurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredTurn-Based RPG
Full Metal Panic! Fight! Who Dares WinTactical RPG
Gal*Gun 2On-Rails Shooter
Gintama RumbleAction, Musou
GOD EATER 3Action Hunter RPG
Gravity Rush 2Action, Platformer
The Great Ace Attorney: AdventuresVisual Novel
The Great Ace Attorney 2: ResolveVisual Novel
Gundam Breaker 3 BREAK EDITIONAction, Arcade
The Hong Kong MassacreTop-Down Shooter
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite CombateAction RPG
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of HeavenFighting
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of FujisawaPuzzle, Visual Novel
LangrisserTactical RPG
Langrisser IITactical RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold SteelTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IITurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IIITurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IVTurn-Based RPG
Legend of ManaAction RPG
Megadimension Neptunia VIITurn-Based RPG
Megadimension Neptunia VIIRTurn-Based RPG
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja StormAction, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2Action, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3Action, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to BorutoAction, Fighting
NEO: The World Ends With YouAction RPG
Neptunia Virtual StarsAction
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja WarsAction
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch RemasteredTurn-Based RPG
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant KingdomAction RPG
Nights of AzureAction RPG
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New MoonAction RPG
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4Action, Musou
One Piece: Unlimited World RedAction
One Piece: World SeekerAction
Our World Is EndedVisual Novel
Persona 5 RoyalTurn-Based RPG
Persona 5 StrikersAction RPG, Musou
Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyVisual Novel
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for AllVisual Novel
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and TribulationsVisual Novel
Punch LineVisual Novel
Raging LoopVisual Novel
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: Prophecy of the ThroneVisual Novel
Robotics;Notes DaSHVisual Novel
Robotics;Notes ELITEVisual Novel
RUINERAction, Shooter
SD Gundam G Generation Cross RaysTactical RPG
SD Gundam G Generation GenesisTactical RPG
Secret of ManaAction RPG
Sengoku Basara 4: SumeragiMusou
Senran Kagura Burst Re:NewalAction
Shadow of the ColossusPlatformer
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD RemasterTurn-Based RPG
Star Ocean: First Departure RAction RPG
Star Ocean: The Last Hope HD RemasterAction RPG
Steins;Gate EliteVisual Novel
Super Neptunia RPGTurn-Based RPG
Super Robot Wars 30Tactical RPG
Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon DwellersTactical RPG
Super Robot Wars TTactical RPG
Super Robot Wars XTactical RPG
Sword Art Online: Fatal BulletAction RPG
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Sessions!Music, Rhythm
Tales of BerseriaAction RPG
Tales of VesperiaAction RPG
Theatrhythm Final Bar LineMusic, Rhythm
Tokyo Xanadu eX+Action RPG
Trials of ManaAction RPG
Utawarerumono: Mask of DeceptionTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: Mask of TruthTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the FallenTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: ZanAction, Musou
Valkyria Chronicles 4Tactical RPG
Valkyria RevolutionAction RPG
WipEout Omega CollectionRacing
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival EditionAction RPG
Yakuza 3 RemasteredAction, Beat em up
Yakuza 4 RemasteredAction, Beat em up
Yakuza 5 RemasteredAction, Beat em up
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this WorldVisual Novel
PlayStation 5 Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Alan Wake RemasteredAction, Shooter
CONTROL Ultimate EditionAction, Shooter
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII -Reunion-Action RPG
Cyberpunk 2077Action
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami ChroniclesFighting
The DioField ChronicleTactical RPG
DOOM EternalAction, Shooter
ForspokenAction RPG
Ghost of TsushimaAction, Adventure
Ghostwire: TokyoAction, Survival Horror
GrimGrimoire OnceMoreReal-Time Strategy RPG
HadesDungeon Crawler
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle RFighting
JudgmentAction, Beat em up
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into ReverieTurn-Based RPG
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His NameAction, Beat 'em up
Lost JudgmentAction, Beat em up
Mobile Suit Gundam BATTLE OPERATION Code FairyAction
Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs ForgottenTurn-Based RPG
Neptunia ReVerseTurn-Based RPG
Neptunia: Sisters vs SistersAction RPG
Nioh 2Action Souls RPG
One Piece: OdysseyTurn-Based RPG
Pac-Man World Re-PacPlatformer
QuakeAction, Shooter
Quake IIAction, Shooter
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit of Wonder LabyrinthMetroidvania RPG
RelayerTactical RPG
SD Gundam Battle AllianceAction RPG
Soul Hackers 2Turn-Based RPG
Star Ocean: The Divine ForceAction RPG
Star Ocean: The Second Story RAction RPG
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy OriginAction Souls RPG
Tactics Ogre RebornTactical RPG
Tales of AriseAction RPG
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2Sports
Valkyrie ElysiumAction RPG
Yakuza 7: Like a DragonTurn-Based RPG
Ys IX: Monstrum NoxAction RPG
Yurukill: The Calumniation GamesShoot em up, Visual Novel
PlayStation Classics (via PS5) Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the RescuePlatformer
Everybody's Golf 2Sports
GrandiaTurn-Based RPG
Kurushi Final: Mental BlocksPuzzle
The Legend of DragoonTurn-Based RPG
Twisted Metal 2Action, Racing
Valkyrie Profile: LennethTurn-Based RPG
Wild ArmsTurn-Based RPG
Wild Arms 2Turn-Based RPG
PlayStation Vita Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Bullet GirlsAction, Shooter
Freedom WarsAction
Valkyrie Drive BhikkhuniAction
Nintendo Switch Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Blade Runner: Enhanced EditionAdventure, Point & Click
Castlevania (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Castlevania: The Adventure (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Castlevania: Bloodlines (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Contra (Anniversary Collection)Side-scrolling Shooter
Contra Hard Corps (Anniversary Collection)Side-scrolling Shooter
Contra III: The Alien Wars (Anniversary Collection)Side-scrolling Shooter
Cytus AlphaMusic, Rhythm
Final FantasyTurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy Adventure (Collection of Mana)Action RPG
Final Fantasy IITurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy IIITurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy IVTurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy VTurn-Based RPG
Final Fantasy VITurn-Based RPG
Fire Emblem: Three HousesTactical RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from ZeroTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to AzureTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless TrailsAction RPG
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildAction RPG
Live A LiveTactical RPG
Mario Kart 8 DeluxeRacing
Metroid DreadMetroidvania
Metroid Prime RemasteredAction, Shooter
MushihimesamaBullet Hell, Shoot 'em up
MUSYNXMusic, Rhythm
New Super Mario Bros U DeluxePlatformer
Octopath TravelerTurn-Based RPG
Operation C (Anniversary Collection)Side-scrolling Shooter
Powerslave ExhumedAction, Shooter
Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little PrincessTurn-Based RPG
Rhapsody III: Memories of Marl KingdomTurn-Based RPG
River City Girls ZeroAction, Beat 'em ups
Secret of Mana (Collection of Mana)Action RPG
Senran Kagura Peach BallPinball
Senran Kagura ReflexionsSimulation
Shadow Man RemasteredAction, Adventure
Super Castlevania IV (Anniversary Collection)Action, Platform
Super Contra (Anniversary Collection)Side-scrolling Shooter
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's FuryAction, Platformer
Super Mario GalaxyAction, Platformer
Super Mario SunshineAction, Platformer
Super Smash Bros. UltimateFighting
Syd of Valis (SD Valis)Action, Platformer
Trials of Mana (Collection of Mana)Action RPG
Valis: The Fantasm SoldierAction, Platformer
Valis IIAction, Platformer
Valis IIIAction, Platformer
Valis IVAction, Platformer
Witch on the Holy NightVisual Novel
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive EditionAction RPG
Xenoblade Chronicles 2Action RPG
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden CountryAction RPG

The 2023 '40' Games Goal:
Shining Resonance Refrain
Action RPG
Wing of Darkness
Action, Arcade
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania
Tales of Zestiria
Action RPG
Action, Survival Horror
Action, Survival Horror
Action, Survival Horror
Resident Evil Revelations
Action, Survival Horror
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Action, Survival Horror
Resident Evil 6
Action, Survival Horror
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
Tactical RPG
Action RPG
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
Action, Musou
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Action, Musou
Superdimension Neptunia VS SEGA Hard Girls
Turn-Based RPG
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Arcade Racing
DoDonPachi Resurrection
Bullet Hell, Shoot em up
Espgaluda II
Bullet Hell, Shoot em up
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Action, Adventure
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Action, Musou
One Piece: Burning Blood
Jet Moto (Jet Racer)
(PS1 Classics)
Jumping Flash!
(PS1 Classics)
Kurushi (I.Q.: Intelligent Qube)
(PS1 Classics)
Ape Escape
(PS1 Classics)
Twisted Metal
(PS1 Classics)
Everybody's Golf (Hot Shots Golf)
(PS1 Classics)
Syphon Filter
(PS1 Classics)
Action, Shooter
Syphon Filter 2
(PS1 Classics)
Action, Shooter
Syphon Filter 3
(PS1 Classics)
Action, Shooter

I'm also going into the New Year with the aim of tackling Elden Ring. A buddy got it for me for xmas despite me being absolutely awful at the souls games, but he has faith I can do it so I'm gonna give it a real go (and die a lot)

I recently started this, about a week or so ago as it was on sale, what other souls games have you played/completed?
I recently started this, about a week or so ago as it was on sale, what other souls games have you played/completed?
I've completed Dark Souls 3 with the DLCs. I usually played through it with co-op though (with the guy who got me the game, which is why he has faith I can complete ER lol). I appreciate that Elden Ring lets you play online without the fear of invaders when solo playing. I enjoy all the messages. Invaders was one of the worst things about DS3.

Oh I forgot I tried Bloodborne on PS4 too. I am useless though. I think it's because I'm not used to using a controller. I played DS3 with MnK. I'm using a controller for ER though so I can get used to it quicker (and I can play it on the deck) so maybe I'll go back to Bloodborne one day.
Nearing the end of the year, there is a pretty decent line up of stuff coming in 2024, and probably more that I am unaware of.

Time to list some titles that are coming which I am definitely interested in playing.

What are the rest of you lot excited about for 2024 releases?

2023 was a great year for games but 2024 is lining up to be very special, too and that’s just going off your list! I’m getting a lot of what you’re getting and I’m excited for Refantazio and what it’ll bring to the table.

I’m also curious about Suicide Squad. Rocksteady have learned a lot with the Arkham series, so I’m confident the game will at least be fun.

FF VII, Unicorn Overlord, Elden Ring DLC, P3… I’m getting all of those, probably day one.

Paper Mario remake and Nintendo in general also interest me greatly. Is this the year we get Xeno X remaster ??
I've completed Dark Souls 3 with the DLCs. I usually played through it with co-op though (with the guy who got me the game, which is why he has faith I can complete ER lol). I appreciate that Elden Ring lets you play online without the fear of invaders when solo playing. I enjoy all the messages. Invaders was one of the worst things about DS3.

Oh I forgot I tried Bloodborne on PS4 too. I am useless though. I think it's because I'm not used to using a controller. I played DS3 with MnK. I'm using a controller for ER though so I can get used to it quicker (and I can play it on the deck) so maybe I'll go back to Bloodborne one day.

I am playing ER offline essentially, I fully agree don't care for invaders, I have an ultrawide monitor and the flawless widescreen fix means you can't play online!

Controller for this type of game wins for me, any 3rd person or platform type games usually better with controller.

I think you'll like ER, it's a vast world to explore, and if you can't beat a boss or enemies, you can travel elsewhere and get some levels and such, returning later.

The game really rewards you for exploring with new places to go, things to see, stuff to loot, almost everywhere that looks interesting is worth checking out, the depth of the environments is very good.

What class are you going with? I went with the condemned, which is my usual pick when the game offers it, some more initial challenge but can power through it. There are lots of choices here.
I’m excited for Refantazio and what it’ll bring to the table.

I thought this looked good as well, almost too many good games coming out !

Many are quite early in the year too, hy March I think I'll be swamped with stuff to do.

I haven't played the Xeno games, I'm considering delving into the trails games but it's a big commit on top of a lot of the things I mentioned.
What class are you going with? I went with the condemned, which is my usual pick when the game offers it, some more initial challenge but can power through it. There are lots of choices here.
Went for the classic Vagabond because sword and shield is my bread and butter for games like these. I stick to what I know haha.
I've started it, I think I'm already "lost". I'm kinda just wandering about. I panic when there's a big gap between campfires and I've cleared a lot and running low on resources. I've beaten mini bosses through sheer determination of not losing my runes lol. Haven't attempted an actual mist boss yet. I know I'm not ready.
Went for the classic Vagabond because sword and shield is my bread and butter for games like these. I stick to what I know haha.
I've started it, I think I'm already "lost". I'm kinda just wandering about. I panic when there's a big gap between campfires and I've cleared a lot and running low on resources. I've beaten mini bosses through sheer determination of not losing my runes lol. Haven't attempted an actual mist boss yet. I know I'm not ready.

Sword and Board or big 2H wep is my default go to, but I think off the bat, sword and board wins on this game as you can block all incoming damage whilst you have stamina. The early 2H weps don't block out all damage.

I've morphed into sword and board as well, except my weapon is a katana that applies bleed damage, which I randomly stumbled upon, been using this one ever since. I've avoided spoilers about what weapons are where, so I'm still exploring as well.

My advice for exploring is follow the roads about to get the fast travel points, and you'll occasionally come across the flask upgrade materials as well, this allows for easier traversal later on. I definitely went off track from where you're probably meant to go early on and wound up in some very strange place where everything was ash and fire/brimstone.
wound up in some very strange place where everything was ash and fire/brimstone.
Is that from opening a certain chest? I saw a YouTuber open it and get a surprise, but even though it's a harder area some of enemies were still easy enough to beat for a bit of early level boosting, so I opened it myself too. That's the advantage of online, all the messages warning you or advising you.
Is that from opening a certain chest? I saw a YouTuber open it and get a surprise, but even though it's a harder area some of enemies were still easy enough to beat for a bit of early level boosting, so I opened it myself too. That's the advantage of online, all the messages warning you or advising you.

I did get transported by a couple of chests, one had me fighting a giant, but no in this case I wound up in Caelid long before I was meant to be, I skipped over going to Castle Stormveil for a while and was just exploring elsewhere
Speaking personally, I prefer going in completely blind, like I don't want spoilers if there is danger ahead or whatever necessarily, as it takes away any mystery I may have on my 1st run.
So, I finished a bunch of stuff over the holidays.

Somerville - enjoyed it enough, but:

  • movement is way too sluggish;
  • I know the main influence was war of the worlds but the aliens needed to be more intimidating; the few chase scenes in the game have no sense of urgency;
  • the story could’ve been about a bit more than a man finding his family.

I sequence broke the game in the beginning without really getting what was happening, but otherwise, I liked it alright. Between this and Cocoon, I found out the creator and directed of inside stayed at Playdead, so I’m quite impatient to see their next effort.

GoW Valhalla - very cohesive little package wrapped up by the next logical bit of narrative in the world built in the previous two games. Trying to redeem Kratos is a thankless task and I’m not a huge a fan of it, but kudos on them for not giving up lol.

And I was able to beat FF and FF II in less than 15 hours altogether ! Is that amazing or what ? I used boosters, I just can’t be bothered to go through the whole thing for real. I’d already played the original on GBA and really enjoyed it and it was much the same here.

The boosters have allowed me to enjoy and finish II, which I had dropped 30 min. after beginning on GBA, thanks to the absolutely unholy encounter rate. Add to that the troll level design of “find the right door among these 24!!!!” and I feel for the people who finished the OG.

I was kinda impressed with the game. While there’s no character development or depth, the body count is huge in this throughout the story even if the structure is pretty classic.

The OST is pretty remarkable, with Uematsu flexing pretty early on in his career! And this was throwing Satan-like enemies at you before SMT!! I’m pretty fired up so I’ll get straight to III and finish all of the Pixel Remasters. I think I’ll be using boosters the whole way, it’s a much more painless experience.

Out of the main ones, I have yet to play III and V, so I’m pretty curious.

Finally, I finished Life is Strange True Colors and well, I was probably not in the right mindset for this. It was alright, but it felt extremely hipster throughout lol.

I enjoyed the setting, the music and such, but it felt melodramatic at times with Alex’s ability to read people’s emotions.

I loved the first so I kinda want to play the second one, but after this I think I’ll wait for the right mood.

I’ve been eyeing Midnight Suns for a while, anyone have impressions ?
Excellent list @João Gomes - I liked Somerville for what it was, a fairly short Inside a-like, but it wasn't as good as Inside for me.

I need to do GoW Valhalla at some point, I have it ready to go, I heard it was fairly short but good as well.

Life is Strange is a fun series I've liked them, you'll be pleased to hear that LiS2 is somewhat different in the type of story it tells. True Colours was good but I liked it's hipster mountaineer setting. The scenery was very nice to look at.

LiS2 s a lot more journey driven, but yeah take a break, and get back into it is a good idea :)

I can't say I've seen much on Midnight Suns, but anything Marvel lately has felt mostly flat, maybe with the exception of Spiderman 2 which was good (if bug ridden).
Excellent list @João Gomes - I liked Somerville for what it was, a fairly short Inside a-like, but it wasn't as good as Inside for me.

I need to do GoW Valhalla at some point, I have it ready to go, I heard it was fairly short but good as well.

Life is Strange is a fun series I've liked them, you'll be pleased to hear that LiS2 is somewhat different in the type of story it tells. True Colours was good but I liked it's hipster mountaineer setting. The scenery was very nice to look at.

LiS2 s a lot more journey driven, but yeah take a break, and get back into it is a good idea :)

I can't say I've seen much on Midnight Suns, but anything Marvel lately has felt mostly flat, maybe with the exception of Spiderman 2 which was good (if bug ridden).

Happy to hear about LiS, thanks!

Out of the Marvel games I’ve played in the last few years, I think the most disappointing one was The Avengers. I share in the the common sentiment of “it should have just been a regular action-adventure game”. I think that game had really cool setpieces but playing it was so boring.

Spiderman 2 is one of those cases where I started convincing myself I did not need to get it day 1 but when reviews started coming out, I took notice. That kind of warped my expectations and I was really bummed with it being so derivative overall, as I said earlier in the thread. Had no drive to do anything beyond the main story. The Wolverine footage that’s out there makes it feel more focused.

Otherwise, I’ve really liked both Insomniac SM games as well as Guardians of the Galaxy (great on all fronts except for gameplay which is mostly just OK). I always admire it when writers have a setting where the end of the universe is the limit but they just end up telling a simple story with relatable characters making the most of the setting. Delightful.

Real quick recommendation: if you have Ghostwire Tokyo and somehow haven’t played it since the Spider Thread update, do so for the couple of new missions taking place in a school. There is a (small) part in there that is extremely effective. Diapers recommended.
Hogwarts Legacy
This was a good one to play over Christmas. It makes a solid first impression with its depiction of Hogwarts itself, a sprawling labyrinth of a school that's filled with quests and environmental puzzles, every inch of it lovingly detailed with whimsical charm. For the simple pleasure of just exploring a place without necessarily following quest markers, it might be one of the all-time great game locations, and that's coming from someone who only has a casual interest in the movies (and hasn't read the books...).

The good impression carries over to the introduction to the quirky professors who teach you various spells and skills, and the handful of classmates who turn out to have lengthy questlines. Once you venture outside the school, there's a reasonably-sized open world to explore. Again, everything starts well, from the dynamic combat that evolves through the early part of the game to the various puzzles and quests you can encounter.

There are a couple of problems though. First, the main villain is one-dimensional and boring. Rather than fleshing out this goblin warmonger, the main questline makes the bizarre decision to spend most of its time having you uncover the secrets of a different (and far more interesting) character...who you never meet. Second, repetition starts to set in after a while. Most environmental puzzles are just copy-pasted versions of the same handful of basic ideas. In combat, your arsenal of spells keeps growing up to the game's mid-point, but the actual mechanics never develop further after the first few hours, and there aren't enough enemy types. Late-game difficulty is increased by just throwing larger groups of enemies at you, which can get annoying in places because you have few crowd control options, with combat being focused on executing lengthy juggle combos on one enemy at a time.

A more minor niggle is the degree of hypocrisy throughout the game. In one questline a character's life is ruined when he resorts to the killing curse; in another questline, a supposedly 'good' character uses the killing curse and it passes without comment or consequence. Meanwhile the player racks up a bodycount of hundreds of dark wizards and goblins, but that's apparently fine because you burn them to death or throw them off cliffs instead of using unforgivable curses (and you can eventually learn those too, if you choose). Also, I know this game is set in the 19th Century, but it bothered me that no one so much as comments on the enslavement of house elves. You even have one at your beck and call, which seemed ill-judged.

The strongest late-game content is those classmate sidequests, one of which in particular is a tragic tale that's much better than the main quest. It also continues to be fun to explore, fly around on a broom, and combat remains good most of the time. It's just a shame it starts to wear thin through repetition by the time I'd done a significant chunk of side content and finished the main quest (about 40 hours). It was also annoying that it gates an end-of-school-year event (presumably an epilogue) behind a high level requirement that I would probably have needed to do another 10+ hours of sidequests and copy-pasted open world bloat to reach. It made for an unsatisfying end to a game that was a contender for my top 5 list for 2023 during its first 20-25 hours.
Completed recently:

Octopath 2
This felt very much like Octopath 1.5, if you've played the 1st one, it's an evolution of it, similar main mechanics here, not that it's a bad thing, it just doesn't evolve the genre much. There are some new things to do, and there was a pretty cool ending thing to do after all the main stories were done.

OST was as usual very good, and I quite like the 2.5D art that this type of game has, but I wish they'd tone down the blurring stuff a bit around the edges of your view. Voice acting was very good (I play this in Jpn audio with subs) and the story arcs for most characters were interesting, though naturally some were more interesting than others.

I disliked that you had to swap party members to be able to do the various actions each one had when using against townspeople. Gearing felt pretty meh in general, I wound up just clicking the auto-gear everyone option, because trying to juggle 8 characters and gear was not my idea of fun.

I'd like to have the ability to swap my party members around whenever I wanted without the need to visit a tavern, the current story character would probably need to be locked in but should be able to swap the other 3 around at will. Difficulty wise I found most encounters either way too easy, or too hard, as you run about and do story chapters, it can become difficult to strike the right balance for challenge as enemies don't scale with your level and your party can have unbalanced levels and such.

On the whole I enjoyed this one much like the 1st game.

FF7 Remake pt1 Intergrade
It's been ages since I played this, with Rebirth coming out soon I figured it wasn't a bad time to replay this one, and with Intergrade I can also do the Yuffie DLC.

This is still a great game I think, but it's not perfect. The game at times feels far too linear (something Rebirth looks like it will solve). Often I am stuck traversing through the same terrain a few times, and a lot of the routes you can go feel like corridors of a maze more than areas to explore.

Trying to min/max learning skills from weapons, and leveling materia isn't bad, but by the time you're almost done, the game is ending! I had the same issue in both the main game and the Yuffie DLC.

Speaking of, Yuffie DLC was new to me, and I enjoyed this one, I was sad it ended so soon because I was getting into it and enjoying the flow of this, in some ways more than the main game.

There are some reasons for this, but primarily:
  • Combat with Yuffie is more fun than with Cloud and the crew, the mobility of her throwing star thing allowing you to teleport about, along with her elemental infusion techniques and ninjutsu stuff she can do is a lot more engaging to play for me.
  • I enjoyed the Fort Condor mini-game a lot, and almost the first thing I did was running around finding people to play against. I beat all of them and became a grand-master in no time at all.
  • It was fun just having a stupid goal of getting materia, without the gravity of the concurrent main story that was going on, it was a bit more light-hearted.
  • I did the Soldier challenge and got 50K points, that took me a good couple of hours, a very hard challenge, but the gamer in me wouldn't admit defeat on that one so I kept at it until I got it.
Yuffie is a bit too "genki-girl" for me though, Tifa is still best girl by far.

I am awaiting releases of the following games:

Persona 3 Reload
FF7 Rebirth

Whilst I am waiting for these I am a little unsure what to do next. I am still playing Elden Ring (about 50 hours into my 1st run) but alongside that, I want something else to get stuck into. AC Valhalla is OK but it's a little samey, and I think Elden Ring is the better adventuring game, but I may flip back to it once I put that down.

I could try and get all of the endings on Triangle Strategy. I have not done them all.

I was considering playing the Trails games, but it's a very big commit, and some of those games are very old at this point, so am not sure if I want to commit the time to it, I also generally prefer newer games that have better graphics/quality of life (not that old games can't be good, but I just want the same sort of quality with great visuals!).

Also on my consideration list is the Xenoblade chronicle games, but for a similar reason (bit commit) I haven't started them yet.

Spiderman 2 is one of those cases where I started convincing myself I did not need to get it day 1 but when reviews started coming out, I took notice. That kind of warped my expectations and I was really bummed with it being so derivative overall, as I said earlier in the thread. Had no drive to do anything beyond the main story. The Wolverine footage that’s out there makes it feel more focused.

It was good but I am not a completionist either, I did all the main stuff and as much side stuff as I felt like, then chopped it in on resale. It felt like just another iteration of Spiderman mostly, but was still a decent game I think.

Real quick recommendation: if you have Ghostwire Tokyo and somehow haven’t played it since the Spider Thread update, do so for the couple of new missions taking place in a school. There is a (small) part in there that is extremely effective. Diapers recommended.

I don't have Ghostwire Tokyo but having looked at it before, it doesn't seem to be grabbing me as the type of game I'd enjoy necessarily, not even sure why, I just have this feeling lol!

This was a good one to play over Christmas. It makes a solid first impression with its depiction of Hogwarts itself, a sprawling labyrinth of a school that's filled with quests and environmental puzzles, every inch of it lovingly detailed with whimsical charm. For the simple pleasure of just exploring a place without necessarily following quest markers, it might be one of the all-time great game locations, and that's coming from someone who only has a casual interest in the movies (and hasn't read the books...).

The castle was a fantastic location and I almost think it was worth buying it and playing just to explore the castle and see some of the locations from the movies in the game.

It was also annoying that it gates an end-of-school-year event (presumably an epilogue) behind a high level requirement that I would probably have needed to do another 10+ hours of sidequests and copy-pasted open world bloat to reach.

Thanks for reminding me of this! I'd almost forgotten I also had this pointless end game thing that required me to go and grind some levels to be able to do it!
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