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More Tales of Graces F, things are progressing nicely. Red Dead Redemption is still great fun.

Tried out Double Dragon Neon thanks to PlayStation Plus. Teamed up with my sister for some good ol' fashioned beat-em-up action, terrific fun!

Replaying Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, even though I've been through these cases so many times, they're still as intense and enjoyable as ever.
Lots of Rock band thanks to the DLC sales and me buying one of the ridiculous pro guitars (don't judge me too much, I found one for £40ish rather than £120 or whatever). Wow do I suck at guitar.
Still more Tales of Graces F. I've just gotten past the point where you meet Pascal's sister Fourier in the lab. Now I'm looking to sneak into Fendel Tower with the help of Fermat's pass. Loving the mathematician's names for the Amarcians:p. I'm really starting to get into the game now, I don't anticipate that I'll spend 140 hours on it like I did with Xenoblade, but it'll last me a good while and I've really been enjoying it. I'll probably get Tales of Xillia next year on the strength of this.

Finished off my replay of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Rise from the Ashes is still as intense a case as ever! Moving on to Justice for All now, it's my least favourite of the original trilogy, but it has my favourite case out of all of them.
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Currently playing Ace Attorney Investigations whilst I wait for the post man. I haven't played this game in a while but I never finished the last case. Started over from the beginning to get me back into it and i'm on case 3 now.

After the post man arrives, i'll be playing Fifa 13 on PS3 assuming he brings me it :p
Dead or Alive 5 - So yeah, i've been waiting for this game since it was first announced. Now i have it, chances are you won't hear from me for a few months. Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you ;p

Asides from this, i've been dabbling with Dead Space 1 again, just trying to beat the game with only the Plasma Cutter, a lot easier than i expected it to be i have to be honest. not sure i'll do another one after that, but i may just build up power nodes and max every weapon anyways. Also, Rock Band Blitz, it's too addictive
Arbalest said:
Dead or Alive 5 - So yeah, i've been waiting for this game since it was first announced. Now i have it, chances are you won't hear from me for a few months. Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you ;p

I won't get my copy till Monday at earliest! On the other hand it is the collector's edition - which Amazon kindly honoured their misprice at 34 pounds - so I can wait a bit. :) In the meantime, playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 which is much better than XIII so far.
Getting ready to visit Eurogamer now, hopefully I can resist the urge to become a gamer again, but something tells me I'm doing it wrong xD.

I've borrowed Katherine and Ico / Shadow of the colussus HD from a friend. I want to try and get the accomplishment for finishing Ico really quickly.....
neptune2venus said:
Arbalest said:
Dead or Alive 5 - So yeah, i've been waiting for this game since it was first announced. Now i have it, chances are you won't hear from me for a few months. Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you ;p

I won't get my copy till Monday at earliest! On the other hand it is the collector's edition - which Amazon kindly honoured their misprice at 34 pounds - so I can wait a bit. :) In the meantime, playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 which is much better than XIII so far.

Damn, that's quite nice. I got mine through Shopto so i still got it cheaper than the actual RRP, but it was still about 50ish. Regardless, they sent it by wednesday morning so i got it fairly quickly.

Thoughts so far: Characters feel as they should do, critical bursts take a while to get used to as well as trying to get in power blow. Mila and Rig are good fun to play as, Akira feels very technical alongside Pai, and still to try out Sarah. Training mode is as fantastic as it always was. My only concern at the moment is online mode. I was hoping that ranked matches would have a lobby, instead you have to find one opponent each time. It's a little annoying. there is a lobby mode you can use, but it is outwith ranked. Oh well.
Being a bit of a sucker for the old 'choose your path' animated laserdisc games such as Dragon's Lair and its ilk, I can recommend this iOS powered take on the format:

It's far too short, but the Charlie Chaplin-esque humour is well executed and the animation is gorgeous.
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Finished my replay of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All. The first three cases (especially Turnabout Big Top) may be below par, but the final case more than makes up for it. It's still my favourite case from all of the Ace Attorney games I've played so far. The tension and desperation are cranked up to the max and it's just as thrilling now as it was when I first played it. Replaying Trials and Tribulations now, my favourite Ace Attorney game overall.

Still continuing with Tales of Graces F, I think I'm coming up to the end now but I'm not sure. Just flew back from Fodra and into the Cocoon with Emeraude in tow. Have to say that the childhood prologue is really paying off now in terms of emotional punch, the scenes on Fodra with Sophie's memories of the party were actually quite moving I thought. I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.
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Got distracted from Tales of Graces F a couple of weeks ago, played and completed MGS 3 HD last week and I'm now getting into The Longest Journey. It's pretty intriguing so far!
Finished Leon's campaign in RE6 yesterday. I feel like it got worse as it went on. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but the first chapter was awesome, as was the second, but the third dragged a bit (despite being the shortest...) and had a pain in the ass swimming section, albeit brief, and in chapter five the final boss kept reappearing to the point where it wasn't fun anymore. I've never liked Boss rushes/ a series of bosses in a row, because they should be used to punctuate gameplay, not take up the entirety of it. Its last form was kind of fun though heh.

I should note that I think the gameplay mechanics are the best they've ever been. Once you get accustomed to the dodging and sliding, it becomes second nature, which is important, since many of the bosses make big sweeping attacks which require the use of the dodge and NOT a QTE like in 4 and 5. If there are any faults, to my mind, they are in the structure of the levels in terms of pacing and set pieces, as mentioned above, but the majority of the game has been a blast. The first chapter is really well made, where it starts off with a relatively sedate section in Tall Oaks university, before ramping up to a tense subway level, then onto the chaos of the streets, before culminating in a hectic shootout in the confines of a gun store to round the chapter off.

Just started Chris's campaign and it's pretty fun too so far. The J'avo make for much more interesting enemies than zombies (though I really enjoyed their return in Leon's section).

I'd say it still has the potential to be my favourite RE game, so far it's getting a 9/10 from me and is my second favourite, but once I've beaten Chris and Jake's levels I expect it'll bump up. I think the latter levels of Leon's campaign wore me down a little, though RE4 (my current favourite) had its share of less fun sections too, so I shouldn't be too quick to judge.

side note: It's kind of hilarious that literally every vehicle that Leon gets into, except for one, crashes. Car, bus, plane, train, helicopter, sometimes within seconds of him getting in.
@Sparrowsabre7 - 9/10? i'm not going to lie, i think that's too high. I've not played too much, but i've been playing it chronologically(so chris ch1-2 first) and it's going way to much into action. I don't want an action game, i want a horror game. Leon looks to have that from the prologue, but honestly it's not working for me. controls are fine i agree, and the gun control is fine once you change to laser-sight. I've played the series for too long maybe, so my opinion maybe clouded from the "good old days" of resident evil, but if i wanted an action title, i'd look elsewhere. Again, i'll play Leons section through and see what i think about it, but i don't have much hope for the other two.

As for myself, maybe because it's October, but i've been in a bit of a horror mood. So i finished my one gun playthrough of Dead Space, and i've reached half way with dead space 2. Dead Space 2 is still fun, but it's so damned short. Severed gives it that extra bit, but i still feel the tacked on multiplayer ruined it a little. Been also working on Dead or Alive 5 as well like mad, i've gotten used to it now as well and quite like Mila. Rig feels a little too powerful,, but otherwise manageable.
Resi 6? Bah! I'm playing the remake 8)

Been a few years since I played it so have forgotten the basic flow of things. Can't find one of those small keys for the graveyard/gallery shortcut, though :(

Still looks astonishing now. Can't wait to get to the Aqua Ring section again.
This weekend i've been playing Harvest Moon Two Towns 3DS and Pullblox.

Now though I need to get on ME3 and do my part in the weekend mission!
Played a bit of Little Big Planet 2 with my little Sis last night and it's loads of fun. She particularly liked any level with grappling stuff.

Tried Fifa for a couple games this morning (Celtic 2-1 against Rangers and Arsenal 6-0 against Spurs), I've not played a football game for about 4 years, but this seems like maybe the best ever. I love the shooting and passing, still trying to get to grips with the crossing/heading from crossing but yeah, I'm digging this.
Arbalest said:
@Sparrowsabre7 - 9/10? i'm not going to lie, i think that's too high. I've not played too much, but i've been playing it chronologically(so chris ch1-2 first) and it's going way to much into action. I don't want an action game, i want a horror game. Leon looks to have that from the prologue, but honestly it's not working for me. controls are fine i agree, and the gun control is fine once you change to laser-sight. I've played the series for too long maybe, so my opinion maybe clouded from the "good old days" of resident evil, but if i wanted an action title, i'd look elsewhere. Again, i'll play Leons section through and see what i think about it, but i don't have much hope for the other two.

As for myself, maybe because it's October, but i've been in a bit of a horror mood. So i finished my one gun playthrough of Dead Space, and i've reached half way with dead space 2. Dead Space 2 is still fun, but it's so damned short. Severed gives it that extra bit, but i still feel the tacked on multiplayer ruined it a little. Been also working on Dead or Alive 5 as well like mad, i've gotten used to it now as well and quite like Mila. Rig feels a little too powerful,, but otherwise manageable.

YOU may think it's too high, I don't. I love it =P. Beaten all 4 campaigns now, I'd say my ranking goes Leo>Chris=Ada>Jake.

Jake's campaign was a bit of a mess of ideas, some worked and some didn't, also seem to have a lot of fetch quests.

Ada's campaign was short but sweet. However, it was touted as having more puzzles... I counted 3, I'm not sure that's really a big improvement...

Also, Chris's campaign gets a bit more horrific in Chapter 3.
Had a bit of a go on Civilization V over the last 2 or 3 days, and whilst it's okay, it just feels too easy... I'm no expert at the game and I rarely play above Prince difficulty, but the AI feels so feeble in this game that I'm re-purchasing Civ 4 (curse you Direct2Drive!) in order to get a proper challenge!
Finished Sleeping dogs and Double Dragon Neon tempted to play RE5 gold editionthat I just picked up recently, but I get the feeling I really shouldn't have bohtered (I can't stand the idea of having to babysit an A.I for an entire game, and if I did I bought AMY on PSN when it was on sale for like £3 so that should have had that covered.)

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