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Yazuka 2, Picked it up for £20 yesterday and although it looks a bit dated (especially on my ps3!) The story is rock solid, almost so that i would gladly just watch the cutscenes from this game.
Gacha said:
FF12 it's one of those games you can only enjoy if you leave it a long time and get all the criticism out of you.

lol I havn't played mine for a year now, and I still can't stand the idea of playing it.
afoia said:
Yazuka 2, Picked it up for £20 yesterday and although it looks a bit dated (especially on my ps3!) The story is rock solid, almost so that i would gladly just watch the cutscenes from this game.
Yakuza 2 kicks **** (and smashes faces into walls). I've been playing it for two weeks, clocking up 30 hours, and I still have a few chapters to go. If Yakuza 3 receives an English language release, Sony are guaranteed to sell one more PS3.
Mollfie said:
Gacha said:
FF12 it's one of those games you can only enjoy if you leave it a long time and get all the criticism out of you.

lol I havn't played mine for a year now, and I still can't stand the idea of playing it.
That's what i thought at first but i actually started to get into it after an hour or two the probably i find with it is it doesn't keep your attention well. One minute it's like "HOLY **** SO ******* ACTION PACKED OF GOD OH YES" then it's "go walk through these 3 dungeons and don't forget to grind for that boss".
Gacha said:
Took 3 months but finally got around to silent hill 2..
Absolutely amazing game, one of my all-time favourites. Hope you enjoy it.

I'm supposed to be playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth but can't muster the enthusiasm. But next week is Fable 2 and I'm wetting myself in anticipation.
About to go **** crazy instaling stuff onto my PC. So it'll be like;

Dawn Of War
Crysis Warhead
Age Of Reckoning

And anything else that I can get my hands on :p
MOTHER 3. God damn, this game is AWESOME. Been waiting for that english patch for a while and it's here. Currently on chapter 2 in the haunted mansion, can't wait until I get Kumatora.
Still playing Final Fantasy Tactics on PSP. I just reached Zeltennia and was treated to an amazing cutscene. Square Enix really made good on the animated cut scenes for FFT; the art style and voice acting fit in perfectly with the game. It's a little weird that Ivalice in FFTA and FF12 is Mediterranean and sunny, while it's cold and damp in Vagrant Story and FFT - I hope Square address this inconsistency (and the Ivalice link between all of the games set there) eventually :]
Yakuza 2 finally out in the uk and I am loving it, true it isn't as good as the first one but the story is really compelling and I have to restart it soon as i have missed so many side quests just trying to get to the end to see what happens

Metal Gear Solid 4 completed it last week, it brought a tear to my eye brilliant story, hit me right in the heart, currently replaying it on hard mode, the Mantis Dolls are brilliant in the early levels
Maltos said:
Spyro201 said:
Damn there aint much ammo in Crysis; not much at all.
At the moment...I really don't find that a problem in Crysis, hahah. Maybe I'm not as far though...

Nah mate im at the begginingish area lol. Not that far into it but both guns are outta ammo. Looks like im gonna be power punching some assholes.
CitizenGeek said:
It's a little weird that Ivalice in FFTA and FF12 is Mediterranean and sunny, while it's cold and damp in Vagrant Story and FFT - I hope Square address this inconsistency (and the Ivalice link between all of the games set there) eventually :]
I doubt they will. More likely, they'll continue making the 'Fantasy Star Wars substitute' Ivalice and simply forget about the late medieval-themed one that was far more compelling in FF Tactics and Vagrant Story. Even if all the Moogles were dead.