Half-Life espouses an ethos on gaming that I really don't get along with. I dislike how it tells its story, I have no geniune interest in any of the characters, I don't particularly like the environments or enemies, and I generally think it has some truly lazy sections in there that make me want to grab the developer by the head and scream "WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AN HOLY WERE YOU THINKING?"
Most people seem to hail stuff like the Black Mesa Train Ride (the opening to the original Half-Life) as some kind of masterful stroke of genius scene setting...I just viewed it as five and a half minutes of non playable tedium with a really annoying voiceover. Similarly Half-Life 2 opened with scene setting that I just really didn't care for.
It is me, I know this. I prefer the Halo style of doing things where you're rarely locked in somewhere, free to move about and do as you will while someone explains something at you. It really really gets on my nerves....if my only choice is to stand somewhere and look at someone while they talk then make it a cutscene...that way you can at least have some nice camera moves and such without having the player wander round, miss half of it, and feel annoyed...or worse still have someone playing a second time and be there screaming "YES, GET ON WITH IT, I KNOW, JUST LET ME THROUGH THE DAMN MALFUNCTIONING TELEPORTER!!!".
The fact it lets you do that with dialogue is bad, but then it lets you miss out set pieces too....which just makes me ask WHY? I mean, if something is interesting and cool you want the player focussed there...if your first time player wanders in somewherethen back out, and misses a huge explosion that knocks out a wall and has troopers pouring in while buildings are on fire in the background, and the sun glints through a tower block....you want them to see it...at least once....not just miss out on it randomly.
The fact I actually used to map for Half-Life is somewhat ironic, but hey, such is life. I just really do not get where the developers were coming from, I don't mind other people enjoying it, but like I said....can't stand the art direction, storytelling, characters, etc. Ironically I'd probably be okay with the underlying gameplay if I could get past that superficial layer of muddy brown/beige/grey that coats everything in sight.
It's like Portal...half the Internet seems to dislike the opening and then say it brightens up once you get past
the pit of burning fiery doom. Me, totally disagree, I loved the game up to that point
and would quite happilly have seen you die in the pit of fire just because it would have been more interesting, and would have skipped the wholly DULL bit that came afterwards. As it was you just end up with some empty grimey offices and generic boss battle #12 in which you kill the boss with their own weaponry.
Enough ranting, I'm probably in for a good flaming for wholly unpopular opinions on what were, to my mind, not entirely fantastic games