What do you want from your Animeuknews?

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Ok, this should teach me to listen, but also talk to people before taking any actual action.

Later today I'll sort that thing out.
Your opinions are welcome here.

CitizenGeek said:
Maltos said:
Well you've made my point there. You find it fun. Other people find the other threads in that forum fun. The counting thread has lots of conversation in it.

I just can't see why it's such a bother.

I just went through the most recent 10 pages of that thread and there was no discussion whatsoever. It's just abused by members with too much time on their hands to amass undeservedly high post counts. It's juvenile and undermines any kind of sophistication AUKN might have. The entire forum is a cesspit of idiocy. It has to go.
It's one of my favourite forum, it's where I met the people I chat the most on msn.

Let's see if this way you fell happier.
CG is right on the money, despite being a bit uppity.

The problem this forum has is the layout and amount of needless forums. It wouldn't be difficult to fix those issues with a bit of effort.

We don't need two totally separate anime forums when both are covered under one of the two (general anime). It would work far better if the recommendation forum was a sub-forum and didn't make the main forum layout look messy.

We also don't need both feedback and rules forums. Make a rules sticky thread in the feedback section and get rid of the the rules forum, with its 8 threads. Then create a new forum group at the top of the groups, including the news, rules + feedback and introduction forums in this new group. These are the three most important forums and they should go at the top for maximum visability.

The rest is just a clean-up task, deleting some forums, merging others and creating sub-groups in certain forums.

For starters, the new anime OST forums and J-Pop forums should be sub-groups of the music forum as they come under it. It was a bit dumb to make the layout more messy by adding two more forums to the mix.

The creative, streaming, and image posting forums have no place on the main forum page under the "Anime & Manga" group. The creative forum should be under off-topic if anywhere, and the other two forums should either be merged into the general anime forum or made into sub-forums of general anime. There should only be four forums in the anime & manga group.

As for the rest, I feel deletion is the best way to go. The character battles add nothing to the forum (hell, two are locked!) and should either be in the general anime forum or be removed in order to make the forum look more tidy. And as for the ever-enduring games forum, I'd advice deleting but, since there are many simple minded people on this forum, making it a sub-forum of random chat is probably the best way to go.

In short, make me or CG admin and your problems would be solved. We're both complete and utter ********s but we would sort out the forum layout problems.
The music/subforums i agree with, turning them into a sub forum in the music section.

Char battles should prob be merged into 1 smaller forum.

As for forum rules, it's hard enough getting you lot to read them where it is, so making it non-existant sept a little sticky will make it worse, so no i think that'll be staying.
Right now the rules forum is at the bottom of the forum. I'm suggesting merging it with the feedback forum (Rules & Feeback) and putting into a new group at the very top of the forum. I'm sure most people will look if it's together with another forum at the top.
I agree, it's much better this way. I still think the AMVs forum should go - that forum's function is already carried out by the "Creative Arena" forum. Music needs to be amalgamated into Music and Movies, for sure. Having too many non-anime-related forums takes the focus from anime. The intro forums seems out of place in the "off-topic" section. It ought to be moved into the "Anime UK News" section, which should be moved to the top of the forum :p
Hi guys, sorry, I snuck away for a while :s

My lovely mod buddies and the boss have done a lot of work implementing ideas; as I see it we still have a couple of issues outstanding. Am I right?

1. Gamers Paradise forum - I agree this probably needs a new name as I always mix it up with the forum games forum when scanning quickly. One of them could live with a new name. Any cool ideas? Or just "Gaming"?

2. Introductions. Happy as is now they have tidied things up, or would a subforum or even just a sticky in General Chit Chat be better? Most of the function of the forum is fulfilled by the complex profiles Paul gave us and there's nothing stopping people posting a hello in General if they want to. Thoughts?

3. Forum games. I don't personally use this forum aside from the guessing game thread. I would personally rather that one was not in Random as it will be hard to find when it goes quiet as it often does on hard characters, but it's a little cluttery for the main Anime discussion forums too. In a utopian situation with trivia quizzes and more topical games (like the one I like, no small bias here) this category could see some better use.

The count to a million content and the other counting threads seems to be the main problem. Let's revisit this when the poll thread has more responses - in the meantime if those who *like* the counting threads could add some of their perspectives it will be helpful. Would killing post counts in them ruin it? What could be changed in the rest of the site to lure the genuinely interesting anime talk and socialising out of the counting thread and into the rest of the forum? Does the chat help?

Just follow my oh-so-original battle plan and the forum will be fixed. All I got for my oh-so-original forum saving outline was a second warning, but I'm not the sort of person to hold a grudge, as The...err, as CG can inform you. No, Choas is a wonderful man, a born leader; a big man.
Rui said:
in the meantime if those who *like* the counting threads could add some of their perspectives it will be helpful. Would killing post counts in them ruin it? What could be changed in the rest of the site to lure the genuinely interesting anime talk and socialising out of the counting thread and into the rest of the forum? Does the chat help?

As one of the people who post on count-to-a-million fairly regularly, I would be very sorry to see this thread disappear. The post-counts are neither here nor there to me, I post in this section because I enjoy chatting to the other people who post there, not because of post-counts or rankings. Whilst I know some other forum users do have a problem with this thread, I can't really say I understand why. We talk about anime and manga most of the time, as well as general chatter that doesn't really fit into any other category. Surely if you have that much of a problem with the thread, the best thing for you to do is not look at it? Or is that simplifying the problem too much?

I tend to use that thread while I'm at work, when it is fairly difficult for me to have the new chat room on (I tried on Friday), so I can't see that helping much in my situation, although I believe some of the other "counters" have started using it.

As I said, I really wouldn't like this thread to go, so perhaps stopping these posts counting towards the rankings would be a compromise that would keep everyone happy, if that's what the problem is :)
What do I want from my AUKN?

I want changes that take place over a nice length of time as opposed to all at once. Lets slow down here...
Aion said:
Just follow my oh-so-original battle plan and the forum will be fixed. All I got for my oh-so-original forum saving outline was a second warning, but I'm not the sort of person to hold a grudge, as The...err, as CG can inform you. No, Chaos is a wonderful man, a born leader; a big man.
Told you already, you shouldn't lie!!! I'm just 5'6". You mispelled my screen name up there and thanks for the compliments, I really appreciate that.

Spyro201 said:
What do I want from my AUKN?

I want changes that take place over a nice length of time as opposed to all at once. Lets slow down here...
But I'm too anxious to wait!

Seriously now. At the moment, I have the motivation and time to make all the changes we want in the website. It is normal for a new management to have the desire to make his statements and leave his mark. Things will settle down, in due time. If you think we are ruining your experience, please let us know.
You take everything at face value, only understanding the literal meaning. :D

In case you're wondering what's with the "big man" thing, John Terry is the cause.

This quote (the last sentence is fake) always makes me laugh:

"I made a speech before a game at Middlesbrough in the dressing room, and after I had finished, John Terry said, 'Now you are a man'. If people like John Terry and Frank Lampard say I am now a man, I am a man. My next goal is to become a big man."

Anyway. If you follow the advice of the two most hated members in the history of AUKN, I'm sure the forum will improve. I recommend you complete all the steps.
Aion said:
Anyway. If you follow the advice of the two most hated members in the history of AUKN, I'm sure the forum will improve. I recommend you complete all the steps.

I didn't realise Farseer had returned to the forums
Aion said:
You take everything at face value, only understanding the literal meaning. :D

Or maybe he's teasing too ;)

Panda z: Thank you for airing your thoughts, it's useful to have both sides. Hopefully the other patrons of that thread will chip in if they have more to add so we can solve it the best way for everyone.

It's heartwarming to see former enemies agreeing about ways to improve the forum. Doesn't mean we will blindly agree with them too though without some discussion with everyone else, but keep the ideas coming!


Chaos does not do sarcasm. I have watched/stalked him for a very long time and know this. Reading between the lines is a talent you learn by arguing enough on forums.

As for the "former enemies agreeing" comment, that's a bit overly dramatic. It's just that, homosexuality aside, we're actually pretty similar. That's why we're singing from the same hymn sheet. I believe Lupis (of all people in the universe) pointed this out awhile back.

UK Anime Net has the sort of layout that goes along with many of the suggestions.
panda z said:
The post-counts are neither here nor there to me, I post in this section because I enjoy chatting to the other people who post there, not because of post-counts or rankings.

But you don't chat or talk in it. I went through 10+ pages of it a few days ago and there was no dialogue at all. It's a pointless, distracting, immensely mindless thread that serves no function but to give members like chaos and presumably yourself undeservedly high post counts. Ideally, it should go. If the mods were serious about cleaning up the forum, they would get rid of that nonsense. The vast majority of regular members on here (though it be a small number) support putting an end to the inanity that is that entire sub-forum.

Those kind of forums attract stupid, or young, members. Neither of which are good for the forum. Stupid members (like that absurd deathnote_holder, for example) disrupt the harmony of the forum. Young members rarely stick around and dumb down the forum. And when sophisticated and mature members do find this site, they are most certainly repulsed by the childishness and massive stupidity that is the "Ever enduring forum games" sub-forum and the crowd that attracts. If you want this forum to go nowhere, to attract low attention span youngsters and simple-minded annoyances that won't stick around, all the while completely and utterly turning off potential long-term, mature members, then by all means keep the sub-forum in the interest of appeasing the simpletons that use it. But that is most certainly not what I want from AUKN.

Now please stop asking "why?" I dislike that forum so.

Rui said:
Gamers Paradise forum - I agree this probably needs a new name as I always mix it up with the forum games forum when scanning quickly. One of them could live with a new name. Any cool ideas? Or just "Gaming"?

I think just changing it to "Gaming" for the time being is a good idea.

2. Introductions. Happy as is now they have tidied things up, or would a subforum or even just a sticky in General Chit Chat be better? Most of the function of the forum is fulfilled by the complex profiles Paul gave us and there's nothing stopping people posting a hello in General if they want to. Thoughts?

Great idea; get rid of the forum and just make a sticky topic for introductions in the random forum.

3. Forum games. I don't personally use this forum aside from the guessing game thread. I would personally rather that one was not in Random as it will be hard to find when it goes quiet as it often does on hard characters, but it's a little cluttery for the main Anime discussion forums too. In a utopian situation with trivia quizzes and more topical games (like the one I like, no small bias here) this category could see some better use.

If chaos had any sense, that forum would be gone. I've already outlined why it needs to go and keeping the 3 or 4 post count builders that abuse the forum happy doesn't seem like a good enough reason to keep it.

Would killing post counts in them ruin it?

Of course it would. No one used that forum for anything but cheating their way to high post counts. You are being far too polite, I'm afraid. I know you are a smart person; you surely know the forum games section is a waste of space?
well here goes nothing. Since i'm a veteran of the count thread i thought it would be best if i said something in its defence although i'm not sure if it will help or not To start with i don't care for post counts, they don't mean anything as far as i'm concerened. I always look at the post not the post count.

Moving on...I started posting in that thread for fun, i didn't see any harm in it, then i started talking to people in there, and we had fun with our random converstations (which like panda said consisted of talk about anime and manga most of the time), more people got involved and there was no arugments, it was just our nice little part of the forum. The ones who had jobs probably got the most benefit from it, it kept me occupied as well like, and talking to the people on there helped me stay sane through my repeated attempts at a digital city fellowship.

Even now i don't get the problem people have, if the thread isn't causing damage why attack it? or the forum games? What harm can come if its just left alone? Again as Panda said don't like it? just don't go near it.

I would second the call to just disable the post count in that section which is a lot better then the faillure of an idea i came up with the first time round.

I apologise if what i've said makes no sense, i guess i rambled on abit. In closing though i'll repeat what Chaos said earlier, just because you don't use it, doesn't mean that no one uses it.
If people don't care for post counts as much as they claim, and just use the forum games to kill time, I say set that forum to not add to post count. I think that is the simplest and is a solution that will sort the problem.

As for the layout of the site, i'd have community forums (Rules, Feedback, Intros) at the top, followed by the rest as is.
CitizenGeek said:
One more thing: If you're going to keep the Music and AMVs forums, at least justify them for us. If you can't, then they should go.

AMVs is an interesting one. Once the post counting dust settles I'd like to discuss merging it all with Creative as was suggested a couple of times (non-creative videos can be easily popped in the Anime/Gaming/whatever threads as required given the ease of embedding videos etc today). I personally like the idea.

On music I think we should leave that one a little while and review to see how much use it's getting. Music is a recurring topic here so it could go either way - but if it ends up being extremely low traffic then merging it might be an idea. I'd give that a while before making decisions. I'd say there have been easily as many music topics about recently as there are movies/TV and that one seems to justify its existence.

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