What did you RECEIVE today?

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fabricatedlunatic said:
Disappearance of Haruhi turned up - such a disappointingly barebones package for what should've been a marquee release for Bandai. Now, if only PlanetAxel would get around to sending Tales of Graces F...

Planetaxel sent me an email yesterday saying my copy would ship in 24 hours.
Rui said:
That must be so frustrating! Who are you going to go for first? :D


Haha yes it was incredible frustrating, I ordered a psp charge from ebay yesterday thought I would have to wait at least a week -some companies that sell these sort of things are slow XD- but to my amazement it turned up this morning YAY so PSP in on charge.

Going to go for Saitou first -fav character-

fabricatedlunatic said:
Do you have a PS3? The USB cable that charges the controller will also charge a PSP (Slim and GO models anyway).


I do have a PS3 and I did try that out thinking it would perhaps work and it didn't seem to, I've got one of the original PSP's though the lead I use to charge my controller isn't the original on that came with it though I wouldn't have thought that would have made a difference.

I did get today though

PSP Charger XD
Generator Gawl boxset R2
Y's Legacy boxset r1
Human Crossing vols 1-4 r1 -I picked them all up cheap thought I would give them ago =3-
7 Hakuouki Charms -they are the cutest things ever-
Dragonball Z Kai - Season One Part Seven (Region A Blu-ray)
Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings - Season 1 (Region A/1 Blu-ray/DVD)
Salaryman Kintaro (Region 2 DVD Box Set)
mangaman74 said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Now, if only PlanetAxel would get around to sending Tales of Graces F...
Planetaxel sent me an email yesterday saying my copy would ship in 24 hours.
I cancelled it this morning. I plan to use the credit on Angel Beats and might order Graces from VGP instead. PlanetAxel are hopeless with game pre-orders.
After 1 year and a half of searching, finally I've received the 9 DVDs of the Italian release of Macross. Now I'm happy.

Sparrowsabre7 said:
Digimon the Movie from Love film. Don't judge me =P I'm feeling nostalgic.
When I went to see that at the cinema as a young lad, Mum fell asleep and she was woken up by her own snoring.
Joshawott said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Digimon the Movie from Love film. Don't judge me =P I'm feeling nostalgic.
When I went to see that at the cinema as a young lad, Mum fell asleep and she was woken up by her own snoring.

Lol, is that possible? Seems I also got another fun present today: finding out my vol 4 of GITSSAC is busted. Why are DVDs so goddamn temperamental. This is EXACTLY why you people should always watch your DVDs as soon as you can after you buy them, the damn thing was new!

I just pray Total Entertainment will be able to clean it and fix it, they have in the past, if not, at least it should be easy to replace considering that vol 4 individually is just £1.50 on play.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Digimon the Movie from Love film. Don't judge me =P I'm feeling nostalgic.

I still have my copy on video lol I think somewhere about in my room.

Received Ikki Tousen boxset in the post today.
Ordered a new optical drive for my mum on wednesday.... arrived yesterday - really pleased with delivery times like that :D

I thought it was the Winter Assault copy for my dad but was happily proven wrong :) So in around 20mins of getting home i took apart my mums laptop and replaced the optical drive, fired it up whilst the laptop was still open, cleaned the fan and trial tested the new drive, works like a dream :)

Atleast now i can have that epic DoW war against my dad when we go away for a week in April.

Here's hoping my Razorback and Tactical team turn up tonight :D
MercenaryRaiden said:
Rui said:
asked them how much the customs charge was going to be

I *was* highly tempted by this. Dare I ask how much the customs charge is...?

Sorry it took so long to answer this, I forgot the exact value and had to wait for the invoice :)

£58.50 was what the total hit was, including the Fedex fee.

My tax back, meaning i just got my tax back for working since May. Tis the best feeling, getting a weight lifted from your shoulders, and this was that. Can rest easy for once. Also means i can afford a new laptop, and i'm tempted by a PS3 also.
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