What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!


How to explain these? well...

- Senran Kagura Burst I've been meaning to pickup at some point and luckily I managed to pick one up in GAME despite not being shown on the shelf (I wonder why <sarcasm>), I did have a laugh with the counter guy as we mentioned the game's maturity while trying to avoid embarrassing myself. I also picked up Tales of Symphonia Chronicles because I wanted to try out a Tales game at some point (I wasn't bothered with the CE).
- Then I realised Gravity was out on Blu-ray and I had failed numerous times to watch this movie in the cinema (despite still being shown) and because I like steelbooks I picked one up in HMV as they're cheaper than Amazon.
- And finally I went into CEX hoping to find any suitable games to add and I stumbled across that artbox you see in the picture; The complete TV DVD set of R.O.D.. Now usually I don't bother with DVDs because of the PAL stuff etc but Aniplex's BD release went OOP way before I started and MVM have lost the license to R.O.D. in addition the pricing was the same as online so I decided why not it's one chance of a lifetime to have an old MVM artbox. I have yet to check the discs work.

I have Psycho Pass arriving very soon, I've been contacted by UP1 about the whole artbox situation and they have given me a 7% discount (and to others who want it early) due to the 'standing still minor defect on the artbox' which can easily be fixed by placing other artboxes next to it (so for instance I'll have Maken-Ki and Robotics;Notes next to Psycho Pass to keep it balanced).
I told with my last February acquisition I was excited for the March acquisitions, and here's one of the main reasons why:

And I also received this as part of the same order:

For whoever wants to see a group shot: *click*.

Or in case people can't open pictures of the glorious blu-ray acquisitions:
> Angel Beats!
> Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

And now a small backstory:
People who know me a little bit know that I find Angel Beats the best anime (I have seen to date), followed by Clannad on second place.
One of the things which baffled people was the fact I didn't own Angel Beats at all, while I totally adore this masterpiece.

At the same time I had been delaying buying Code Geass S2 for a long, long time. I was meant to get it in July after I got S1 from Mangaranga, and some issues prevented me from going ahead back then. And later some other stuff got priority. But late 2013 I heard of the stock problems with Code Geass S1, and knowing S1 (or part 1) usually sells better than S2 (or part 2) I knew I had some time still to get S2 (with the slipcover) but couldn't delay it far too long.

I had investigated in P+P via UP1 some time ago and figured it's best to combine orders where possible. Due to some other orders I couldn't order Angel Beats! and Code Geass S2 until last week. I have no regrets whatsoever given the parcel was well protected and kept the slipcover with Code Geass S2 from denting.

I'm proud I finally own Angel Beats!! <3

I saw the Virtual Boy in my local GAME (used obviously) with an advertised price of £150 - including the Baseball game (which has a funky bit-rendition of the national anthem of each country when you select them). I asked if they could save it for me to buy today (as I got paid) and they agreed to. When they rung me up, it came to £109...and I wasn't going to complain. I guess knowing the manager does have its perks.

Also, Nisekoi.
animefreak17 said:
Wow talk about retro, I always thought those things was made it seem you was the character and everything felt you was there
Nah, it's basically just like the 3DS but with tech that turns 20 years old next year.
Joshawott said:
animefreak17 said:
Wow talk about retro, I always thought those things was made it seem you was the character and everything felt you was there
Nah, it's basically just like the 3DS but with tech that turns 20 years old next year.

It be cool if it did tho, I mean imagine that your the character in the game and you saw what he saw but like if you was there if ya know what I mean,

But I have seen it in action and I can see why it didn't do so well but on the other hand it's a rare item that could worth even more in 20 or so years and collectors would go nuts over so you my friend have your self a treasure there
Speaking of awesome: Grav edition.

Psycho Pass: Season 1 - Premium Edition
Format: Blu-ray
Region: A & B (Tested & Confirmed)
Locked Subtitles: Yes

The set that I have doesn't have the scratched issue the folks at Fandom Post have, but Funimation did recall the set due to the box standing slightly to the right though if you put stuff next to the box it's nothing.





I'm completely torn as to what to do with my copy of Psycho Pass. It's sitting right here next to me, but I'm in two minds whether to send it back or not - especially considering the waiting time is 4-6 weeks.
I also have another issue - being that the Guys at UP1 sent me a copy of Kamisama Kiss Goddess ED instead of K. Hard mistake to make amirite >_>
I'm actually quite tempted to email them tell them I'll keep it. It's not something that I'd usually give a looking to, but looking at the synopsis and response to the series in general It might be something I'd like.
These are my recent pickups for the month of March 2014:


In the image is:

Another Complete Collection on Blu-Ray (Sentai Filmworks) - Bought from eBay
Chobits Complete Collection on DVD (MVM Entertainment) - http://www.anime-on-line.com/xcart/product.php?productid=15434&cat=&page=1 (£9.99 Deal of the Week)
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 on Blu-Ray (Kaze UK) - http://www.base.com/buy/product/cod...ion-season-2-complete-blu-ray/dgc-kbr2642.htm
Fafner: The Complete Series - DVD/Blu-Ray Combo Pack (Funimation) - http://www.up1.co.uk/Details/B2246-Fafner+Complete+Series+Hyb+DVDBlu-ray+AB
Ghost Hunt: The Complete Series on DVD (Manga UK) - http://www.base.com/buy/product/ghost-hunt-series1/dgc-mang3059.htm
Mayo Chiki Complete Collection on DVD (MVM Entertainment) - http://www.anime-on-line.com/xcart/product.php?productid=23705&cat=&page=1 (£9.99 Deal of the Week)
Soul Eater: The Complete Series on DVD (Manga UK) - http://www.zavvi.com/dvd/soul-eater-complete-series-episodes-1-51/10296479.html
Waiting in the Summer Series Collection on DVD (MVM Entertainment) - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Waiting-In-...4110947&sr=8-1&keywords=waiting+in+the+summer

Most Happy with the service from UP1 - my first time shopping with them, very quick delivery!
Also finally glad to have picked up Season 2 of Code Geass (my favourite anime) to complete my collection of that series.
Ghost Hunt was only £6.39, which really shocked me, so I had to go for it.

If you guys want to see what's inside any of the releases, I can take a picture or two if you want me to. xD