That's all one order? Meanwhile an average day for a western otaku...
Were these off the April sales? How much did you save on them again?
Edit: I don't get paid to read! Still though how much did you save on secondspin? I'm still guessing most of those are the sale
All of them except Gunbuster 2, Gosick, Barefoot Gen, Golgo 13 and 5cm were from the sale. I placed 4 orders in total 3 of them using the 41% code and the last one using the 41% off and buy 3 get 1 free so I got date alive for free.
but if you wanted to know prices I guess I can break them down?
Order 1
Drifters - Original Price $48.99 - Discounted price - $28.91
Big O - Original Price $53.99 - Discounted price - $31.83
Aria season 1 - Original Price $20.97 - Discounted price - $12.38
Aria season 2 - Original Price $43.99 - Discounted price - $25.96
Is this a Zombie - Original Price $20.99 - Discounted price - $12.39
Shipping - $11.99
Total Paid - $123.46
Total saving - $77.46
Order 2
Arslan: Dust Storm Dance - Original Price $40.99 - Discounted price - $24.18
Hakuoki: Wild Dance of Kyoto - Original Price $6.99 - Discounted price - $4.13
Shipping - $6.74
Total Paid - $35.05
Total saving - $19.67
Order 3
Heroic Age - Original Price $12.99 - Discounted price - $7.67
Fafner Series - Original Price $14.99 - Discounted price - $8.83
Fafner: Heaven and Earth - Original Price $7.99 - Discounted price - $4.72
Shipping - $8.49
Total Paid - $29.71
Total saving - $14.75
Order 4
Kabaneri - Original Price $48.99 - Discounted price - $28.91
K: Return of Kings - Original Price $51.99 - Discounted price - $30.66
Date A Live - Original Price $31.99 - Discounted price - $0.00
Date A Live 2 - Original Price $38.99 - Discounted price - $23.01
Shipping - $10.24
Total Paid - $92.82
Total saving - $89.29
Grand total paid - $281.04
Grand total savings - $201.17
I wouldn't have placed the last order if it wasn't for the potential of getting 1 of them free, if it was cancelled I wouldn't have minded too much, but it all worked out
Now I just have to find the time to watch them... along with the other 400 odd I have yet to watch