What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Last few days (week) worth of stuff I've received. DVD's and CD from Music Magpie (except Slayers from CEX). And only 2 more issues of Fairy Tail to arrive that I ordered today (already have 60, 63 owing to some cheap prices).

Is my photo visible for anyone else in my post above, or is it just my computer? All of a sudden all my images on the forum are not displaying for me anymore, unless I go into the edit screen. Looks like there is other people's photos I can't see either. It might be due to the MS Update I just got on my Windows 10 computer overnight... I couldn't reattach it, giving me a "Something wrong - see the administrator" error. I can link it, but it opens to another blank window. weird.
Is my photo visible for anyone else in my post above, or is it just my computer? All of a sudden all my images on the forum are not displaying for me anymore, unless I go into the edit screen. Looks like there is other people's photos I can't see either. It might be due to the MS Update I just got on my Windows 10 computer overnight...

I think the link is broken, clicking on it just leads to a blank page. Try sticking the image on Imgur or something.
No, I've hosted my own photos on my website for the last 18 years, I don't use imaging sites. my photos are working on the other forums, and were working up until this morning on here. It's something related to just this site.

I can't see Qaiz's images either.
For some reason, every external image posted on here gets routed through a proxy, which is incredibly annoying if you're trying to get direct links to them, and presumably can also result in issues like this where server stuff on the AUKN side stops images being displayed properly.

@Girls wIth Guns For me, your image is just displayed as a URL that doesn't lead anywhere, but copying the URL and accessing it directly works fine, so I'm pretty sure it's an issue on the forum server's end.
I can't see GwG, qaiz, Patient-X, Dragon Slayer, Dave1988, or llamareborn's images.
Different ones from this list and your own come and go when I refresh on my phone. Chrome browser. Mine is always there direct upload to forum. GwG doesn't appear ever.

Let's try myself: