What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

From Amazon US

My MonMusu preorder arrived and Toradora and Eureka Seven Pt2 are from Music Magpie. Then about 10 mins after these arrived they cancelled part 1 of Eureka Seven so had to reorder that XD
First batch of stuff from the Amazon code also arrived this afternoon.
And finally after a trip out shopping I bought these. Both Toaru from CeX and then the other 2 for 50p each from charity shops.
I had a pretty healthy number of deliveries yesterday:

The Shape of Water: Weeb Edition



I really like the overall quality of this release; especially as I nabbed it for less than £34 (MVM pricing + discount code). My only issue, is that the included art-book's pages are a little too thin, so I can sometimes see the outline of the next page's panels:


After paying an £11 customs charge (where most of it was the handling fee, not VAT!), I also finally received my Madman Summer Clearance sale order: That One No One Here Licensed: Complete Collection (DVD), the Copyright Laws Are Weird live-action movie (DVD) and Saving Waifu Privates: The Movie (BD):




Still kinda bummed that I didn't realise Lupin The 3rd was also available on blu-ray, but oh well, the DVD cost $5AUD compared to the $20AUD BD. Also, can we talk about how the styling "Lupin the 3rd" doesn't really work? Like, it should be "Lupin III" or "Lupin the Third" really... brand style guides are weird.
Received a nice package from Japan today.

A while back I decided to start collecting the AoA releases of Monogatari, starting with Second Season. However, I only made it as far as Onimonogatari, I reached a point where I couldn't quite swallow the £60+ it would be to buy Koimonogatari.

Fast forward, and online I find a used copy of the Japanese Aniplex store exclusive set for Koimonogatari, containing both BD volumes, and a key animation collection, housed in an absolutely lovely box. The price, shipping and import taxes ended up costing not too much more than it would've been to buy AoA's release of Koi.


Couple more pictures:
The inside:

Key animation collection:
Received a nice package from Japan today.

A while back I decided to start collecting the AoA releases of Monogatari, starting with Second Season. However, I only made it as far as Onimonogatari, I reached a point where I couldn't quite swallow the £60+ it would be to buy Koimonogatari.

Fast forward, and online I find a used copy of the Japanese Aniplex store exclusive set for Koimonogatari, containing both BD volumes, and a key animation collection, housed in an absolutely lovely box. The price, shipping and import taxes ended up costing not too much more than it would've been to buy AoA's release of Koi.

The Japanese Aniplex releases are not English friendly though, so I assume you are fluent in Japanese, or plan to subtitle them yourself?

Because if there was one thing those films needed, it was to be longer...

Not that I can really blame you, I’ve almost bought that several times myself so the box will match with my LotR one.

Well, I have all three of the theatrical releases in Blu-ray 3D, but I figured the extended scenes may actually help make the movies better, lol... The US Extended 3D box set sold out long ago, so I figured I better get the UK set before it's gone too. I wish the Lord of the Rings trilogy was also in 3D
FINALLY. After month of stressing trying to get best deal on these and in complete shock that the Goku being Prize C was the most expensive given in paper he should have been the cheapest! And the boxes are huge! No wonder the shipping was expensive (comparison with a standard Vegeta fig) they're only supposed to be 25cm why massive boxes? Anyway: