I didn't know this even existed, looks nice. Any chance of some interior shots? Kanuka is my Patlabor go-to girl but Noa is pretty adorable.The Noa Izumi Artbook is because I just need more Noa things, I've never taken the waifu thing seriously at all but with a gun against my head she might be my answer, her or Ai Tanabe I guess. I already have a couple of really good Patlabor Artbooks but I want to really expand my Artbook collection this year and couldn't turn this down for just £8.
Will it burst though? It's been a few years since AL started up this whole trend of Collector's Edition releases taking precedent, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon, especially with companies like MVM and Manga also taking shots at CE releases, to varying degrees of success. The only way I see it crashing down is if AL become too greedy and start hiking prices up even more so than they have already.
Oh, nice.
Where did you get the Paprika BD?
In the ideal world standard editions would be released at the same time as collectors/limited editions, giving the consumer the choice.
To answer Incendiary Lemon's question as well: Yes. I do firmly believe that the day is coming VERY soon when folks become fatigued with CE releases. I know some folks elsewhere online who have (if they're to be believed) simply stopped buying anime because they dislike the current sales model so much. Given how long it's taken some shows to get an affordable standard edition release - which is sometimes not considered quite so affordable - I can't say I blame them.
But, that's me done ranting on the subject. Really. Seriously. I mean, like, for reals. At least for today.