What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!


Saw it on amazon.de for €20 and as I have seen it through illegal means I decided to give KyoAni my money back for my top 2015/16 anime film early. I plan to get an EN release whoever releases it (AL the booklet from the JP set is nice:p)
Woke up rather early on Christmas day while these were available in the Trigger global shop and managed to snag one.

I'm not sure I dare open it in case I get something disappointing.


Caved and opened it in the spoiler.


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Got myself a new phone since I've had the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini for about 4 years now (December 2012). Afterwards I also bought Root Letter since it was £20 in GAME.


I also unboxed the Root Letter set on my blog.
****** pictures are ****** like usual. The first picture is yesterday's loot and the second one is todays.


I don't really know anything about the franchise that the figure is from and i bought it because it looked nice and was cheap. What irrated me about the figure though is that it comes with wearable items but you have to take the figure apart but i just couldn't get the head or arms off so i couldn't make her wear them. I was afraid of damaging the figure which is why i stopped. It's not like she looks bad without them.


I wouldn't have bought Last Guardian so close to it's release if it wasn't for the fact that it's price dropped to 35 euros here already. I wouldn't have had qualms of waiting for as long as it would have taken to get to 25 euro range but i didn't really mind paying 35e and i don't have to be afraid of spoilers now. Going to play it after i finish Dark Souls 3.

Killzone i would have completely skipped but they added botmode to it and i like fighting against bots so i added it to the pile.

EDIT: I did also get either Squid amiibo or Taiko Idol game from play asia too but i'm going to pick it tomorrow.