What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

I had some money put aside for the AL and MVM christmas deals, but didn't buy any of them in the end so I just bought some other stuff. I really didn't expect any of it to arrive before xmas, so a big thumbs up to Royal Mail from me.
Arslan and Outlaw are both from Zavvi, wih Arslan in a normal bubblewrap envelope and Outlaw in a huge box. Good to know that Zavvi are as erratic with their packaging as ever. And why is the Outlaw spine on the wrong side of the box? A strange design choice there.
Place Promised was from HMV, who used a much more sensible cardboard wrap. I was shocked by how thick that set is though, was expecting something more like the Perfect Blue or Honneamise sets, not a big brick thicker than the Gundam 0079 CE. I honestly thought they had sent me a Hokusai UE by mistake when I opened it.

Only thing left to arrive is Garden of Words, then that's me done for the year.
^ Yes, it's done to copy the Japanese Blu-ray boxset, and since Japanese books and Blu-ray sets come in the reverse, that is why AL's Outlaw Star is reversed also.

A lot of Aniplex of America's sets are in the Japanese way also.
I can't wait to finish uni, and to get a good job and place to live so I can have a nice 4K TV to watch my anime on.

Honestly, having a 4K set really doesnt make that much of a difference to blu-ray/1080p streams, end of the day it's still just displaying a 1080p picture but in this instance on a much larger set.