What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

That LWA set is indeed amazing, assuming you bought it for the book? Since the original film also comes with the other LWA 2 set you bought.

Yes bought it mostly for the book. Was a bit surprised by the format of the set, larger than a DVD set so this is going to be a bit of a pain to put it on the shelf :)
Another Bride's Story volume. :)

No pictures because it's lewd, but I finally got my Vanilla Essence Kickstarter reward, which is a regular copy of the book. It also came with a poster I can never, ever put up :p
Speaking of Revelation Films - man, would I love someone to put all of Tsubasa out in the UK. We only ever got series 1 - not series 2, or the OVAs (which most people say are the best part).
- Blood Blockade Battlefront Collector's Edition from Anime Ltd.
- The Vision of Escaflowne Collector's Edition (Kickstarter Exclusive) from Funimation

I did get the pendant and poster but couldn't be arsed to take pics - I do need to chase Funi about my tarot cards and DVDs though.



