One package arrived yesterday. Tomorrow is of course Christmas, and there's even a potential one final big package from Stackry on its way before the year is over.
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A few years ago Arrow Video announced they had licensed a whole dozen amount of films from the Shaw Brothers company with Celestial Pictures, and they have since released two volumes worth of films; one in 2021 and another in 2022. They took a break in 2023 because of the Bruce Lee at Golden Harvest box set but now in 2024 they have released
Shawscope Volume 3.
This volume includes 14 films of varying genres and directors, like the previous volumes were:
- One-Armed Swordsman (獨臂刀) - Chang Cheh, 1967.
- Return of the One-Armed Swordsman (獨臂刀王) - Chang Cheh, 1969.
- The New One-Armed Swordsman (新獨臂刀) - Chang Cheh, 1971.
- The Lady Hermit (鍾馗娘子) - Ho Meng-Hua, 1971.
- Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan (愛奴) - Chor Yuen, 1972.
- The 14 Amazons (十四女英豪) - Cheng Kang, 1972.
- The Magic Bride (天涯明月刀) - Chor Yuen, 1976.
- Clans of Intrigue (楚留香) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
- Jade Tiger (白玉老虎) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
- The Sentimental Swordsman (多情劍客無情劍) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
- The Avenging Eagle (冷血十三鷹) - Shu Chung, 1978.
- Killer Constable (萬人斬) - Kuei Chih-Hung, 1980.
- Buddha’s Palm (如來神掌) - Taylor Wong Tai-Loi, 1982.
- Bastard Swordsman (天蠶變) - Lu Chin-Ku, 1983.
What's notable about this volume is that we have two films license rescued for the UK, because both
One-Armed Swordsman and
Killer Constable were previously released by 88 Films. 88's bonus features did not carry over (which makes sense because no one would want to touch Bey Logan commentaries these days) but Arrow's include new restorations and in the latter's case an additional version with 30+ mins of footage not seen previously.
You can view more photos & specs
on my blog.
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