What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

These made it just in time for Christmas, after sitting at Tokyo airport for three weeks.
Two orchestral Sailor Moon CDs and Always Sunset on Third Street 64, the third of Takashi Yamazaki's sentimental period dramas set in mid-showa Tokyo.

That now completes my set of Yamazaki's movies that have physical releases available in English, unless anyone knows of something I missed. Just realised I didn't include Lupin III: The First below, but I have that too.
The first two Always movies were the trickiest to find. The JP BDs of those don't have English subtitles, so these are the OOP Thai DVDs. Finding The Eternal Zero took a while too, since I had to figure out that the UK title was the ultra-generic The Fighter Pilot.
The remaining All the Anime 12 Days of Christmas order, consisting of:
Momotaro: Sacred Sailors Collector's Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo (Anime Limited)
Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning Collector's Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo (Anime Limited)
Tiger & Bunny: The Rising Collector's Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo (Anime Limited)
Re-Kan! Blu-ray (MVM)
Love and Lies Blu-ray (MVM)
And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online? Blu-ray (MVM)
Amagami SS Blu-ray (MVM)
Amagami SS+ plus Blu-ray (MVM)

More arrivals today. As Miku once said - "Let's Focking Go".

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Last year I bought the Crunchyroll limited edition. This year I bought the Anime Limited collector's edition for Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2. The UK version is the better edition thanks to the artwork and OST inclusion, but for a cheaper and compact version the US version is a good alternative. I will eventually sell the US version but not in a position to sort that out just yet.

You can view more photos & specs on my blog.

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Limited Run Games also dispatched the PlayStation 5 games that were estimated to arrive in December early and they came just in time before Christmas.

First up we have Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition, the second remaster of the cult classic action adventure 2003 game by Ubisoft. I played a bit of the first remaster that released for Xbox 360 but didn't progress any further, so this new remaster is the best way to jump in. However, a word of warning, if your console's connected to the internet Ubisoft will not let you play the game unless you have a Ubisoft Connect account. You can bypass this if your console's offline. Very stupid and while Bethesda has a similar model at least they let you continue without requiring an account.

Next we have HUMANITY, the puzzle platformer game by tha LTD. and publisher Enhance Games. I played the beta demo when that first released and really enjoyed what was on offer and while it was available on PlayStation Plus, I held off in case there was a physical version and behold it happened. The physical release also includes a digital soundtrack code and a booklet that covers tips/tricks and concept art by the developers which is cool.

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Next is a semi-old Eureka Entertainment release. A few years ago, they released Tsui Hark's 2000 film Time and Tide (順流逆流) in a first print edition release like any other and was one of the few to use the Scanavo case. This was around the time where I wasn't focusing much on these editions, and by the time that I decided to revisit these titles this particular film had sold out on its first print edition. Since the standard edition would use the Scanavo case I figured owning it would look a bit weird on the shelf given most use the regular Amaray cases.

Recently, Eureka Entertainment announced a new batch of discontinued titles which included this film, and I figured I'll check eBay to see if there's any available for the first print edition and surprisingly there was and at a decent price so I picked it up. They packaged it really well. The only other films that I missed out on LE wise was The Bride with White Hair which I went for the standard because the first print was super expensive, and the horror themed titles like Mr. Vampire, Hopping Mad, Encounters of the Spooky Kind and The Dead and the Deadly. I passed on the rigid LEs like Kwaidan and Mothra as I felt they looked out of place (so will get the regular editions before the booklet discontinues).

There's one more package expected to arrive before the Christmas haul. That will take a while to sort out an unboxing post for.
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After just over six years of trying to get what is supposed to be a gaming monitor to not suck when doing anything basic like not smearing text when scrolling in discord, I finally decided (after several months of window shopping on Amazon) I decided to get a replacement for my main monitor and also decided on not getting another AOC monitor after six years of text smearing and when I saw this for under a hundred and on monthly payments (it also has 2 HDMI ports and one displayport port which was another plus) I went for it and even after a few hours of use I consider it to be a worthwhile investment.
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Even though the camera on my phone can't do it justice it is miles better then the AOC even in gaming (although the speakers which I didn't know it had when I ordered it are an affront to god) and I can even crank the refresh rate to its maximum of 100Hz without having to connect it to displayport (which is another reason why I'm replacing the AOC monitor because the displayport connection lunched itself initially by only working when an HDMI source was connected and has now stopped working altogether and will only detect a signal for a few seconds before saying it can't and shutting down on repeat).

One package arrived yesterday. Tomorrow is of course Christmas, and there's even a potential one final big package from Stackry on its way before the year is over.

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A few years ago Arrow Video announced they had licensed a whole dozen amount of films from the Shaw Brothers company with Celestial Pictures, and they have since released two volumes worth of films; one in 2021 and another in 2022. They took a break in 2023 because of the Bruce Lee at Golden Harvest box set but now in 2024 they have released Shawscope Volume 3.

This volume includes 14 films of varying genres and directors, like the previous volumes were:
  • One-Armed Swordsman (獨臂刀) - Chang Cheh, 1967.
  • Return of the One-Armed Swordsman (獨臂刀王) - Chang Cheh, 1969.
  • The New One-Armed Swordsman (新獨臂刀) - Chang Cheh, 1971.
  • The Lady Hermit (鍾馗娘子) - Ho Meng-Hua, 1971.
  • Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan (愛奴) - Chor Yuen, 1972.
  • The 14 Amazons (十四女英豪) - Cheng Kang, 1972.
  • The Magic Bride (天涯明月刀) - Chor Yuen, 1976.
  • Clans of Intrigue (楚留香) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
  • Jade Tiger (白玉老虎) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
  • The Sentimental Swordsman (多情劍客無情劍) - Chor Yuen, 1977.
  • The Avenging Eagle (冷血十三鷹) - Shu Chung, 1978.
  • Killer Constable (萬人斬) - Kuei Chih-Hung, 1980.
  • Buddha’s Palm (如來神掌) - Taylor Wong Tai-Loi, 1982.
  • Bastard Swordsman (天蠶變) - Lu Chin-Ku, 1983.
What's notable about this volume is that we have two films license rescued for the UK, because both One-Armed Swordsman and Killer Constable were previously released by 88 Films. 88's bonus features did not carry over (which makes sense because no one would want to touch Bey Logan commentaries these days) but Arrow's include new restorations and in the latter's case an additional version with 30+ mins of footage not seen previously.

You can view more photos & specs on my blog.

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