What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

All Your music via ebay first order turned up (No extra fees in this case as hoped/excepted). in case you were curious @Birdie Num Num @Otomo (ordered on the 7th if that helps for time frame)
VAT form filled out on the back I think is pretty much identical to the WOWHD UK (both from John Kelley same address), so as expected it probably the company / owned by same company

So Monster girl doctor and the severing crime edge blu-rays

All Your music via ebay first order turned up (No extra fees in this case as hoped/excepted). in case you were curious @Birdie Num Num @Otomo (ordered on the 7th if that helps for time frame)
VAT form filled out on the back I think is pretty much identical to the WOWHD UK (both from John Kelley same address), so as expected it probably the company / owned by same company

So Monster girl doctor and the severing crime edge blu-rays

View attachment 28952
All Your Music, Deep Discount and WowHD are all the same company.
All Your Music, Deep Discount and WowHD are all the same company.
Yep that roughly what I thought, just wasn't super sure when it was ordered through ebay for All your music (but other mentioned no problems/ import charges when they had tried previously)
Yep I think you mentioned WOWHD and deep discount to me before that they are the same company before. and I think NormanicGrav mentioned they thought WOWHD and AllYourMusic were owned by the same people, so yeah that all adds up.
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All Your music via ebay first order turned up (No extra fees in this case as hoped/excepted). in case you were curious @Birdie Num Num @Otomo (ordered on the 7th if that helps for time frame)
VAT form filled out on the back I think is pretty much identical to the WOWHD UK (both from John Kelley same address), so as expected it probably the company / owned by same company

So Monster girl doctor and the severing crime edge blu-rays

View attachment 28952
Thanks for the update.
I got all excited after ordering my stuff on 9/4 and 10/4 as the tracking moved quickly.
Sadly I'm now in tracking limbo.
WOWHDUK, not left the USA yet. Posted first.
1st allyourmusic over the Atlantic
2nd and last allyourmusic at Heathrow.

I found Severing Crime Edge enjoyably weird.

IMG_8204.jpegFirstly, some eBay pick-ups - wish EEnE was BD and not missing content but it’s a boxset I was expecting to never be released at all.

And secondly, my late-Jan Rightstuf order finally arrived. It was held up by some March pre-orders and a title that turns out is OOP, despite no indication from CS, which I removed from the order just a day or two before this was confirmed.

It mainly consists of older Discotek titles, with some newer entries too, alongside some recent Funiroll LEs and the Sailor Moon Re-release. I managed to use a 15% off code for most of the titles too, which helped recoup some VAT cost.
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