Not today apart from one of them but recent haul (
sorry for lack of pictures):
Belle Deluxe BD + OST + many other things - lovely set have watched the film already and bought the English OST off iTunes as well as it's the Japanese version that's included with this set (I knew that before ordering)

Roujin Z Blu-ray - bought it off Ebay as it is deservedly a minor/cult classic and the English dub is hilarious XD
Blood on the Tracks by Shuzo Oshimi - Volumes 1-6 and 8-9 (Volume 7 is arriving separately on a later date)
Welcome Back, Alice by Shuzo Oshimi - Volume 2 (Volume 1 is ordered too and I've preordered Volume 3 as well)
Fangs by Sarah Andersen (Hardcover, she's the author of the popular webcomic Sarah's Scribbles, and I've now read this in full - it was great, a delightful romance between a vampire woman and a werewolf man)
Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe - Volume 2 (Hardcover, I already have Volume 1 in Hardcover which I started reading on Friday morning I absolutely love it)
Chester 5000-XYV, Book 2: Isabelle & George (Hardcover) by Jess Fink (basically a really cute porn comic written and drawn by a woman set during the industrial revolution about love and mechanical men and whatnot, I've read the first one it was super awesome, this is the second - this is the one that arrived today)
EDIT: Got my times mixed up as I was awake a bit before 4am this morning - the one I said arrived today actually arrived yesterday XP
I also finally received my copy of Inside Mari Volume 3 (also a Shuzo Oshimi series)! I was really worried that I'd never get a copy but now I have all the volumes (1-8) that have been released in English so far (and have preordered the final 9th volume which is being released here in August)
Wooden beads with no colouring or glaze in a range of sizes (in a plastic case that has each size in a different compartment) so I can paint them myself to make more necklaces