Scrambled Valkyrie
School Idol
Got a really cool unexpected gift today. A buddy of mine visited me and brought me an early wedding present. No More Heroes & No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle collectors editions for Switch from Limited Run Games. This set has a ton of nice stuff. Magnetic boxes that connect with each other (pic 1) steelbooks and regular packaging for both games, CD Soundtracks for both games, a reversible poster for each game, a hardback interview and art book for each game and also a Flag and trading cards.
I love this series and was GUTTED when the physical editions sold out on limited run's site. I'd have settled for the regular physical editions since these limited run produced copies are the only way to get them physically for Switch they're usually download only. Had half expected to pay a silly price on ebay for these further down the line.
Very much looking forward to revisiting the streets of Santa Destroy and reminding myself of the plot points I'd forgotten then jumping into No More Heroes 3 which was released last week.

I love this series and was GUTTED when the physical editions sold out on limited run's site. I'd have settled for the regular physical editions since these limited run produced copies are the only way to get them physically for Switch they're usually download only. Had half expected to pay a silly price on ebay for these further down the line.
Very much looking forward to revisiting the streets of Santa Destroy and reminding myself of the plot points I'd forgotten then jumping into No More Heroes 3 which was released last week.