What did you BUY today?

Avatar The Last Airbender BD dropped down to £25 on Amazon so I finally picked it up, now to wait for Korra to drop a little bit more.

I also bought another fightstick for the PS4, a Madcatz TE S+ to be specific as I have the urge to customize a stick and was able to grab it for £80, now I get the fun of deciding what I wanna do to it (probably Persona themed tbh, maybe Nier Automata).

Probably gonna stick in an order for a Ikea Markus chair later too, yet to decide though.
Ordered Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition from Amazon. Thanks to the Prime Savings it ended up costing £15.49. Can sell my old copy for £4 meaning I got the base game and all the DLC so far for under £12.
Bought yesterday
Odin Sphere on PS4

and for the first time in several years some vinyl
Gammer & Diverse - The Spirit
Scott Brown - Make the beat drop

That's right I have ordered a new PlayStation Vita title since January 2018. It's been a while. So long story short I mentioned this before, but there's only around 8 localised titles that I want to get before it is too late. I have most of the big exclusives thanks to GAME having pre-owned copies available. These lot are brand new and were actually reasonably priced thanks to the official Idea Factory Europe store.

As you guessed it, these are Hyperdimension Neptunia games.


Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation [PlayStation Vita]
The second remake in the Vita trilogy, based on Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2. In the original PS3 instalment, this was a reboot to the franchise and changed the gameplay to what we know and love for Neptunia to this date. mk2 focused on Nep's younger sister Nepgear (voiced by Yui Horie aka Monogatari's Hanekawa in Japanese and Christine Marie Cabanos aka Madoka's Madoka in English) and the rest of the younger characters in the main trio. There's also the infamous Conquest storyline that is pretty dark in places that I won't spoil but it's an interesting experience.


Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart [PlayStation Vita]
The second spin-off title in the series starting Noire as she and her team venture through the game in a tactical strategy RPG style! I recall this one being one of the better spin-off titles so I'm looking forward to it.

So basically I have ordered these through the main publisher's site because the prices are pretty good compared to other retailers and I've held off getting them for way too long now. In case you didn't know the US versions are much harder to find so it's a matter of time before the EU versions end up with the same fate. The remaining Neptunia games I need to get are Re;Birth 3: V Generation followed by Perfecting Perfection, U: Action Unleashed, MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies, and Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls.
Now that the WOWHD Sentai sale is finally over, the full list of titles I ordered is as follows:
Tamako Love Story
Is It Wrong To Expect A Hot Spring In A Dungeon
Typhoon Noruda
Life Of Budori Gusuko
Hinako Complete Collection
Shirobako 1
Shirobako 2
Patlabor TV: Collection 1
Patlabor TV: Collection 2
Patlabor TV: Collection 3
Patlabor TV Collection 4 - Backordered
Patlabor: The New Files
Patlabor: The Movie
Patlabor 2: The Movie - Backordered
Patlabor Wxiii
Magic Of Stella
Fruit of Grisaia: Complete Collection
Labyrinth of Grisaia / Eden of Grisaia
Wakaba Girl - Not Yet Shipped
Kawai Complex - Not Yet Shipped
Pet Girl of Sakurasou: Complete Collection - Not Yet Shipped
Bang Dream - Not Yet Shipped
Ordered Digimon Adventure Tri: The Movie - part 1: REUNION on DVD inspired by @IncendiaryLemon's review of the 5th installment (totally worth the read). I'd been pondering for a while about it since I was a fan of the original series back in the day so, I finally made the move! 👍

Thanks Lemon :)
had to get -.- a toilet seat, since the brother has a penant for destroying them. metal fixtures all round this time, fixed, done. just realised with comments from the brother that it just might be the gayest toilet seat. I'm not saying men loving men, I mean proper it's been a broadway actor sort of thing

Operation Nep Nep Haul continues.

With Re;Birth 2 and Hyperdevotion Noire acquired I still need to get the rest of the Vita games before it's too late. However Anime Limited's Summer sale was getting in the way and fortunately it had nothing worth picking up (for once) so I have switched gears to go back onto the Neptunia train.

Re;Birth 3 was supposed to be the next game I'll buy but I decided to focus on a special deal currently running on eBay. The seller is selling a bunch of Nep games where if you buy 2 or more it's 10% off. The prices were better than Amazon so I decided to go after two games in the list.


Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed [PlayStation Vita]
This is the Action hack 'n' slash Musou spin-off game in the series, developed by Tamsoft who also worked on Senran Kagura's PlayStation titles. This instalment takes elements of Senran Kagura where there's clothes ripped off when you take damage.


MegaTagmension Blanc Plus Neptune VS Zombies [PlayStation Vita]
Another action spin-off by Tamsoft but starring Blanc and zombies. This is one of the weaker spin-off games but it was going for an alright price so I went with this one rather than Neptunia PP.

Overall these two games combined in the eBay order is just a bit cheaper than Idea Factory Europe's store.
I didn't even know this was out until I walked into HMV after work.

I really enjoyed it at the cinema when I went to see it with a friend. There's a lot to get excited about in this film; as well as the tons of cool and kitsch things to spot, Mark Rylance's lifelike performance as games master Halliday is a big highlight.