What did you BUY today?

I had bought a ticket for the movie showing, but had to cancel out because of a conflict. I've seen the movie 4 times on Blu-ray so far, and I've shown it in my projection theater to numerous friends - and I plan to use it for one of my upcoming Monthly Movie Night titles. I haven't touched the two UK releases I have - the Deluxe and the steelbook - and probably won't until I get the re-authored discs from AL, hopefully within my lifetime.
Hope you have more luck GwG with the packaging, because no such such luck here as my Bandit Flower 4K and Newtype magazine came in a bubble mailer envelop and not a board-on-plank box.

Luckily Bandit Flower sustained no damage.
Well that really sucks to hear - Amazon JP is getting worse than even Amazon US for packing, then. My importing days for JP releases from them may soon have to come to an end if that's the case - I won't put up with that for all those expensive JP LE Box sets I love so much.
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I've ordered from CDJapan and YesAsia numerous times, but not often. I don't have to worry about any Customs fees in the US, the only inconvenience with those sites are that their shipping time can't match Amazon.co.jp. But, I guess I'd trade that off for some decent protective packaging. If I start getting anime and magazines shipped in Bubble mailers from Amazon JP, then I'll have to switch.
So after a bit of a cop-up with the previous order I'm back with once again another update to the PlayStation 3 haul, this time this haul will properly concludes Stage 7 unless they mess it up for a third time. Stage 7 was dedicated solely to Japan-only imports (retail copies wise) as the rate was at its best and games are getting rarer. The previous orders have turned out well pre-owned-wise so I figured I'll do it again.

The reason I'm making another order is that Solaris Japan notified me ahead of schedule that Another Century's Episode R was missing from my previous package due to a packaging/shipping error on their end (they sent me Strider Hiryu instead). They told me that it will be included in my next order and after some debates I decided to go for a much cheaper title to make up for it:


Mobile Suit Gundam UC
March 2012
Genre: Action Mecha

IT'S A GUNDAM... AGAIN. That's right Gundam UC (also known as Gundam Unicorn) has been on my to-buy list ever since I first heard about it. There was also a cool special edition that's still around but honestly I just want the standard edition at this point. Basically this is a game developed by FROM SOFTWARE that adapts the first three OVA episodes of Gundam Unicorn into an action mecha game. It's still cheap to acquire so I wanted to get it now when it's at its best.

Once Another Century's Episode R and Mobile Suit Gundam UC arrives that will bring the total amount of PS3 games I own to 85. That leaves me with at least 15 more games to acquire to have a total of 100 that I wanted to have - all to match my Xbox 360 collection lol.

Here are the remaining to-buy Japan-only titles on my shopping list, feel free to recommend me any others if you have acquired any:
  • Nurarihyon no Mago: Hyakki Ryouran Taisen
  • Sakigake!! Otoko Juku: Nihonyo Korega Otoko Dearu
  • Samurai Warriors 2 HD Collection
  • Samurai Warriors 3 (either Z aka Xtreme Legends or Empires)
  • Super Heroine Chronicle
  • Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition
Recap of the Japan-only PS3 games I currently own so far:
  • Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
  • EX Troopers
  • Gal*Gun
  • Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F
  • Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd
  • Initial D: Extreme Stage
  • J-Stars Victory Versus
  • K-On! Houkago Live!! HD Ver.
  • Macross 30: Ginga o Tsunagu Utagoe
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs.
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories
  • OneChanbara Kagura Z: with Nonono!
  • Phantom Breaker: Extra
  • Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan! (Yakuza Arrives!)
  • Sengoku Basara HD Collection
  • Shin Koihime Musou: Otome Taisen Sangokushi Engi
  • Shining Resonance
  • Strider Hiryu
  • Vampire Resurrection (Darkstalkers)
  • Wangan Midnight
Other PlayStation 3 games I'm interested in acquiring (to reach my goal of 100 total retail games in the collection):
  • Afro Samurai
  • Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
  • Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
  • Eternal Sonata
  • Katamari Forever
  • Lollipop Chainsaw
  • Tears to Tiara 2: Heir of the Overlord
was going to get keijo!!! standard and the first devilman collection, but I couldn't find the devilman collection anywhere it's all out of stock! so instead I got fate/grand order and deadman wonderland
the rules don't say anything thing about not bashing sjws I looked.

It's sort of implied by the rules on trolling; shorthand pejoratives which slate groups of people for their (presumed) beliefs aren't really compatible with a relaxed thread about buying gadgets. I get your frustration that the set is incomplete, but let's avoid blaming the current media bogeyman without cause. It's had a lot of press coverage and the implication was that the band themselves agreed the omission the last time I checked.

the rules don't say anything thing about not bashing sjws I looked.
I've been meaning to read the rules (I always forget to, so they are chicken scratches to me most of the time) I bet it doesn't say anything about anti-Semitism either, but it just common sense, I'm assuming many of those rules will talk of not bringing up inflammatory language or subjects, but people are generally so excellent to each other on this site I forget there's a need for any ^.^

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