What did you BUY today?

Would you care to list some of the grilled delights on offer?

On a related note, was your BBQ sourced from B&Q? If so, does that render it a B&QBBQ?

If one's B&QBBQ were to be put to use at at a bed and breakfast, it would, to wit, be a B&BB&QBBQ. If British Airways flight crew were coincidently attending such an establishment, it would then become a BAB&BB&QBBQ. I digress.
Zin5ki said:
Would you care to list some of the grilled delights on offer?

On a related note, was your BBQ sourced from B&Q? If so, does that render it a B&QBBQ?

If one's B&QBBQ were to be put to use at at a bed and breakfast, it would, to wit, be a B&BB&QBBQ. If British Airways flight crew were coincidently attending such an establishment, it would then become a BAB&BB&QBBQ. I digress.

Your a strange one Zin, very strange lol.

stuart-says-yes said:
Ah got, A black gameboy Advance, Golden Sun, Golden Sun : The Lost Age , and an accessory kit for the GBA including a light and headphones

I was playing Golden Sun (for GBA) on my DS at the weekend, its a good game....although with all RPG's i tend to find wandering round for hours battling randomers just to lvl up abit tedious
I just got my bro to pick me up some sushi from tesco lol

does that count I gave him the money but he did the foot work lol
Tachi- said:
THIS :twisted:

39.5 inches is actually near enough 4 rulers length lol.
Ah, you want one for display....

I've remembered that year ago, I've did some work for this guy

He supposedly is one of the few swordsmith that are allowed to produce real swords as they did back in the day. He made the sword that was given to Bill Clinton when he was president and went to visit Japan.

Nice guy and he laughed when I've told him I wanted a Sakabatou... Unfortunately, he wanted US$5k for one, so I decided I was fine as I were =P
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
THIS :twisted:

39.5 inches is actually near enough 4 rulers length lol.

I've remembered that year ago, I've did some work for this guy

He supposedly is one of the few swordsmith that are allowed to produce real swords as they did back in the day. He made the sword that was given to Bill Clinton when he was president and went to visit Japan.

You can't Import Katana's. Apparently straight swords are okay, but a Katana is illegal still (though they sell them at the expo? hmm, might have to do abit of research into this again) When i tried to import a Replica of Dante's Rebellion (from DMC) there's a law against importing them :(

chaos said:
Ah, you want one for display....

Ofcorse its for display purposes only lol, i'm not going to be using it to BBQ my kebab meat ;)
Tachi- said:
lol why, what do you use yours for?
(i swear you have one?)
Kenjutsu practice of course.
Which might include the incidental slicing of hobos ;)

Anyway, just joking dude, I haven't got one for fear of actually wanting to use it on my boss =P
lol well my one will sit in my room on a shelf with my manga collection, I've been trying to have a look around the interwebs for some sort of description on what IS and ISN'T legal.
I guess i'll just find out from an email off the company.

(might buy a few bamboo canes and set them up in the garden, slice em down for stress relief :) )
I pre-ordered Manga's Ouran boxset yesterday for 11 quid on amazon.co.uk. I still can't believe after 10th May I will own one of my absolute favourites after years of surviving on fansubs.

I first got into anime in 2001 (although I'd watched lots of shows as a kid as well). All the official releases were simply at stupid prices. Fast forward nine years and suddenly there are awesome shows at affordable prices on amazon.co.uk! I noticed all these other shows like Berserk, Eureka Seven, and Claymore selling for 18-40 quid. Since I cannot afford those right now (I'm living on 10 pounds a week and am still overdrawn) I've put them all on my wishlist. Christmas will be just around the corner when I return to the UK. *insert giddy laughter*
VivisQueen said:
I pre-ordered Manga's Ouran boxset yesterday for 11 quid on amazon.co.uk. I still can't believe after 10th May I will own one of my absolute favourites after years of surviving on fansubs.
Pre-Ordered!! (I should have known about this)


Also just purchased some charity sweets because I was craving chocolate and feeling generous at the same time. ^__^
VivisQueen said:
I pre-ordered Manga's Ouran boxset yesterday for 11* quid on amazon.co.uk. I still can't believe after 10th May I will own one of my absolute favourites after years of surviving on fansubs.

...And you didn't even think to thank me? What a bitch!

VivisQueen said:
I pre-ordered Manga's Ouran boxset yesterday for 11 quid on amazon.co.uk. I still can't believe after 10th May I will own one of my absolute favourites after years of surviving on fansubs.

I wish I could get the box set, but I already own Ouran in two halfs because I didn't know they would bring it out in a complete form.
Oh well! Enjoy owning it! I know I do.