What did you BUY today?

Amazon UK, on Blu-ray, not sure if it would work on a Region B player as I have two multiregion players, but I do have it on Region 1 DVD if you can play that, I suspect I wouldn't get much for it if I sold it online so since you sent me El Hazard would you like my DVDs in return for the cost of postage? I can even throw in uncut PG-13 Return of the Joker, if you can just wait a bit until it arrives so I know I've got it on Blu-ray and the discs aren't damaged etc, before I send out my DVDs to you? :)
Just so you know, I think both the UK Blu-ray sets includes "return of the joker" film but its only on DVD, but of course is included and has a disc holder.

Also if I remember rightly the standard UK Bluray set (the red over one) is pretty thin card (but I never opend that one as it was in my too watch pile and then upgraded), so hopefully it get packaged reasonably well.

EDIT: Also as a kid I think it was named "Batman of the future" in the UK, which is maybe why it might not sound familiar too some.
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