What did you BUY today?

Hair dye and noodles.

Im also tempted to buy a hide (x japan) plushie off of ebay.Seems like a waste of money but..its..so..CUTE!

Add a bit of tuna to those noodles and Im set.
LOVE tuna and noodles.
Went to watch Die Hard 4 yesterday and today I am off work so going food shopping and repairing my mp5 that i kinda damaged yesterday
5 vodka and red bulls, 2 shots of tequila, 3 yegamister, 1 orange wkd, 1 blue wkd, 20 lambert and butler, 16 marlboro and possibly some other stuff that i have forgotten about ¬_¬

immense nite =]

my cousin graduated!! 2-1! go her! <3

...can't believe im still able to type!
McIcy said:
Went to watch Die Hard 4 yesterday and today I am off work so going food shopping and repairing my mp5 that i kinda damaged yesterday

goodness the what did u buy thread has got to the point we're telling everyone we went food shopping now? ^^

anyway some more anime and dragon quest for the ps2
I bought some chocolate for €3 from Rhodes airport and a bottle of water at Glasgow airport when i got home this morning.