Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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FMA Brotherhood Part 4

Urgh, they had to use that boring over-used image for volume 4 didn't they? If anything, they should have used it for volume 1. America's is far better (and at least it references the story):


Why the change in covers? Volume 3 in America had Olivier Mira Armstrong, which fit as the majority of the episodes were set in Briggs, while over here, we got the Yao trio, which despite being an awesome cover, they were only in the first few episodes of that volume. America's volume 4 features Van Hohenheim and The Dwarf in the Flask, which feature predominantly in the volume's first episode.
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I don't know if they're doing a regular edition also, but Akira's getting a steelbook. I'm sure he said yesterday that he couldn't show us the artwork yet, but that it would be like Bandai's (can't check Twitter where I am now)
What's with these BD/DVD combos? I don't think Manga have done any of those before.

I'm wondering whether they'll be released alongside the existing BD and DVD releases or whether they're intended to replace the BD release, thereby jacking up the retail price for those of us looking to buy the HD version. Cynical, moi? (I realize that I could ask Manga this directly, but that would entail the use of twatter, and I just can't do it to myself.)

Just try and stop me from buying that Akira steelbook though.
Eva 1.11 was a combi-pack as well (at least the LE was, can't speak for the ordinary version).

Oddly enough I noticed this happen with a release entirely unrelated to anime - the remastered Metropolis from Eureka. Available on DVD or BD in ordinary editions, but the LE Steelbook was a combi-pack. The way of the future?
ayase said:
Eva 1.11 was a combi-pack as well (at least the LE was, can't speak for the ordinary version).

Oddly enough I noticed this happen with a release entirely unrelated to anime - the remastered Metropolis from Eureka. Available on DVD or BD in ordinary editions, but the LE Steelbook was a combi-pack. The way of the future?

Yeah Manga have done this on a couple of their BD releases but usually only the special ed's as here. The standard will just have the DVD.
I notice a trend for rigid objects to occupy the foreground.
I would be inclined to make further suggestions about this, though folk-psychology isn't my field of expertise.
So, Optimum are just rehashing their Ghibli collection artwork for their Blu Ray releases. Fair enough. It's not like there wasn't room for improvement (or room to get people reinterested in the Ghibli catalogue, as opposed to already setting it up to be a crappy premature upscale, which it isn't), but none of the covers were particularly broken.

Get this: Optimum haven't just used this opportunity to get rid of the painfully ******* arbitrary 'Ghibli Collection' numbers on the spine. They've used this opportunity to replace their painfully ******* arbitrary 'Ghibli Collection' numbers with another set of painfully ******* arbitrary 'Ghibli Collection' numbers.

Nausicaa: 1
Laputa: 2
Yamadas: 3

Oh well. Guess we'll be waiting until Super Blu Ray to see if they can get that one right :/ (why they can't just get rid of the numbers altogether is beyond me).
I don't mind the Ghibli artwork staying the same. Better than the Japanese bluray artwork. That is too abstract for the uk market anyway.

Agree about dropping the numbers though.
I like the Japanese artwork. I almost imported them, despite the expense, but they really are just too expensive.
Yeah the numbers are there so people buy them all. Nothing more annoying than having a gap in a collection.
I find it strange that Laputa, Yamadas are getting a blu-ray/DVD release but Nausicaa only has the blu-ray
so the Yamadas and Laputa BluRay will be the same design as the Ponyo one, but Nausicaa's wasn't? ARRGGGGGGHHHH

EDIT: seeing as this hasnt been posted yet
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