Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Paradox295 said:
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought that said "Vampire Knight Curry"?
Boooo for them not including the subtitle in the 5cm/s title.

Shiroi Hane said:
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought that said "Vampire Knight Curry"?
lol, I can't not think that now.
Paradox295 said:
Hmm...and here I thought we'd get the same cover as America. Oh well, I prefer Lan Fan to Armstrong anyway xD

Eva 2.22 and Casshern definitely win for awesome box art.
I haven't visited this thread in a while. Some nice art, particularly Bleach, FMA Brotherhood and Casshern Sins, a series I'm looking forward to with great anticipation.
Paradox295 said:
afoia said:
Paradox295 said:

Are we going to see any more blu ray series from Manga Ent? I AM DISSAPOINT.
NEVAR!!! Because some people decided to import the FUNi Blu-Rays of FMA:B, the rest of us have to suffer.

Thanks guys :evil: :p

Funimation released volumes 1 & 2 of FMA: Brotherhood three months ahead of Manga and they were around £8 cheaper - is it any surprise people imported them?
You make it sound like its a huge thing, though. How freaking impatient is that? Cost-wise, obviously there's going to be a difference and time-wise -- its three months. They have already waited twelve months for a release, what's another three? Jeez.

(I don't care a huge amount, but it is a bit sad that people resort to importing in this fandom so much.)
3 months earlier and a third cheaper was a tempting proposition.

Plus this whole "importers ruined our lives!" thing is without basis. How about Manga pricing the BDs at a £10 higher price point? And there being far fewer BD players than DVD players out there? Perhaps these were also factors in Brotherhood's low sales?
The expectations for the BD and the DVD weren't going to be the same, not to mention there wasn't a precedent for how well a series like this was going to sell, nobody knew - it could have been the most profitable thing MangaUK have done in a long time. The pricing is an awkward point because of the exchange rate - just to produce the discs would be at a higher price point than America, then coupling in the fact that the UK is a smaller country: it's a necessary evil, and one that might have even gone down if people went out in their hundreds to buy it.

(But again, I really don't care! Where's Paradox?)
Actually, the thing that has always surprised me is that there are so many people who won't import. Anyone who has been collecting DVDs and BDs for a long time just got used to importing because you weren't talking an extra few weeks and a small cost increase, you were talking about a market that basically didn't exist.
If I switched to only viewing UK discs I'd be going through quite a drought by now. I bought Manga's FMA:B DVDs though, so I can't be blamed for them optimistically believing that the audience for a TV series reboot on blu-ray in this little country was that big ^^;

I have £200 in Amazon credit at the moment so I'm more than happy to support local releases if they manage to announce them before I've already bought them elsewhere. They can't be region B locked blu-rays though (or have other issues like locked-on subs which scared me off the FMA:B idea entirely from the outset). I'd rather not buy things which aren't quite right when alternatives exist.

Although Red vs Blue does have a PAL release.

Especially weird was seeing shops in New Zealand selling Red vs Blue on the shelf.
King Jimmeh said:
Although Red vs Blue does have a PAL release.

Especially weird was seeing shops in New Zealand selling Red vs Blue on the shelf.

But not a UK release ;) I actually have the Aussie blood gulch chronicles, but the recollection trilogy I got from the site (and got bummed by Post office handling fees)
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