UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

King Jimmeh said:
If Big O is still that price after Xmas, I'm picking it up :) Whoever thought you could make a Mecha/Noir anime?

You forgot to mention the important part, Jimmeh - that it's FREAKING AWESOME!!!

Seriously - a great show. It gets better with repeat viewings.
Not sure if this is new or not as i'm a bit out of touch with anime recently, but Witch Hunter Robin box set (1 of 2) (beez) £6.99 @
mailman said:
Not sure if this is new or not as i'm a bit out of touch with anime recently, but Witch Hunter Robin box set (1 of 2) (beez) £6.99 @
But boxset 2 costs double that of the AL set xD
Thanks for the tip-off, JPT. :) I'm having a go at it either way.
Been interested in LLT - just hadn't got around to it, but cant ignore that price.
Ahh, I remember the days when the exchange rate was so good that it wasn't even "that" expensive to buy those in the first place (well, under £30, anyway).

Also, maybe this is common knowledge to people who buy UK releases more regularly, but MVM/Play/Amazon have tons of cheap singles, it would feel crazy listing all the different things you can find.

I'm not wrong in my memory of never being able to consistently find discounted UK releases back in the days when I would have loved to be buying more UK stuff, right? This is a last-couple-of-years development?
ilmaestro said:
I'm not wrong in my memory of never being able to consistently find discounted UK releases back in the days when I would have loved to be buying more UK stuff, right? This is a last-couple-of-years development?

Your right it has, it's been steadily improving over the past 5-6 years. Originally with the first boxsets, their dropping to an average of £40-50, singles RRP dropping from Manga followed by MVM and ADV and now the inclusion of many more episodes of discs (many releases).

It's clear the single volume release is coming to an end, probably replaced by more 2 / 3 mini boxsets releases per series.
Back when singles were £20 across the board you never saw discounts. The best deal you could expect was the regular £1 off with an MVC membership card. I remember the first time I saw anime on sale was in a massive sale that Virgin ran which included a lot of old ADV stuff - I picked up Boogiepop Phantom then for example.
I'm soo glad the time of £15-£20 4-ep singles has passed. The whole idea was bloody ridiculous. Manga pushing double and triple-disc sets in the UK for less than £20 was a god-send.
Stuart-says-yes said:
I wonder what would have happened to the market if 4 episode releases continued. I wonder if it would have died (quicker)?

Well I for one tried not to buy the singles and ended up waiting for the inevitable boxset release, once the singles had finished their run. But like most people i'm more enclined to buy double or tripple sets now, because i know i'm getting a better value buy. What would some of the bigger shonen series be like if you were buying single 4 ep DVDs? I know i'd just end up turning my nose up at the price and torrent the fansubs instead.