
Serial Experiments Lain Collection (12) Blu-Ray
Publisher: MVM Released: June 12th 2017 Classification: 12 Language: English, JapaneseSubtitles: EnglishRunning Time: 325mins
I had already made a large order the day before but they wouldn't combined shipping as they were all pre-orders. Also it wasn't listed at the time as I messaged them.Yeah I’ve pre-ordered the CE edition from there and postage was around £10 so added the ARIFURETA LE to the order to ship together.
wish they'd stop with these digipak releases, could've saved a lot more space by shoving them in 2 10 disc cases
I agree. Love digipaksThat sounds terrible, I would rather have the digipaks myself.
Digipaks can die in a fire.
Finally someone that truly understands meThe only war Denny is concerned with is the war on part sets!
Guys, this is how wars start. Seriously, my pro-digipack forces are already stationed outside every HMV, I give the order and every amaray in there is toast.